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Lighting your stick

Sounds like some experimenting is in order. Will try it with a cheaper stick as I get the feeling I may destroy it on the first go.
oke&coke said:
Sounds like some experimenting is in order. Will try it with a cheaper stick as I get the feeling I may destroy it on the first go.
If using a tortch, just keep it at a healthy distance and be patient. Let it toast evenly then light evenly rotating the stick constantly and rapidly, and moving your tortch closer farther and around.
This is similar to a method one of the CA editors suggested years ago... two short matches to toast, then cut, then use a third match with an exhale through the cigar. 
I did it for a few months, but found I like to get a cold draw on a cigar before lighting, so that necessitates a cut prior to meeting the fire.  It does have merit, though.
True about the cold draw, downside, maybe you could try a cold draw via the foot uncut?
CMontoya79 said:
True about the cold draw, downside, maybe you could try a cold draw via the foot uncut?
I don't know why this made me laugh so much. I can only imagine the way people would look at you at the cigar lounge while you are doing that.
I'm going to give this method a try (without the cold draw via the foot of course  :laugh: )
Yea, this really works well. As Barry mentioned you can't cold draw to see if plugged but, you can place a finger over a pin or punch hole.
I always use a soft flame and only matches when it is a pricey cigar. 
Thanks for sharing C, I'll be giving it a shot...
MadMonk said:
Yea, this really works well. As Barry mentioned you can't cold draw to see if plugged but, you can place a finger over a pin or punch hole.
I always use a soft flame and only matches when it is a pricey cigar.
I have to inquire, why only matches?

And why the soft flame?

I was under the impression that a torch was best?
jsm11 said:
Thanks for sharing C, I'll be giving it a shot...
Yea, this really works well. As Barry mentioned you can't cold draw to see if plugged but, you can place a finger over a pin or punch hole.
I always use a soft flame and only matches when it is a pricey cigar.
I have to inquire, why only matches?

And why the soft flame?

I was under the impression that a torch was best?
Torches tend to burn too hot if held too close to the tobacco, which creates some nasty flavors.  Dan's post here details it pretty well:  http://www.cigarpass.com/forumsipb/topic/75291-drew-estate-undercrown-and-nc-cigars-in-general/?p=1161028
jsm11 said:
Thanks for sharing C, I'll be giving it a shot...
Yea, this really works well. As Barry mentioned you can't cold draw to see if plugged but, you can place a finger over a pin or punch hole.
I always use a soft flame and only matches when it is a pricey cigar.
I have to inquire, why only matches?

And why the soft flame?

I was under the impression that a torch was best?
I forgot about that post that Barry linked. I'd say I can't really add much to it other than subsequent time has reinforced my opinion.
Edit to add: I use Xikar soft flame lighters. Some of them are discontinued but the "EX" is still avail. The EX also has a glow wire which helps it stay lit when it is a LITTLE windy outside. Only glow wire lighter I've ever had where it did not disintegrate after the first use on a cigar. In fact, it is still good after several years. Just be aware that there are soft flame and torch versions so a phone call is advised if it is not clear on the webpage, catalog, etc.
Interesting.  I'm going to give this a shot later on today.  
Interesting article C. I also saw the CA video several years ago where they toast the foot with several 3 inch matches before drawing. Ever since then I've used a torch lighter about1.5 - 2 inches below foot and slowly rotate cigar to get an even burn/glow before drawing. I will blow on foot before draw but I've always cut cigar first. I'll try not cutting it next several times to what difference it makes. Thanks for sharing the article.

Thanks for sharing C... I'll definitely be giving this a try.
I tried this yesterday and I must say that I did notice a difference. I used a soft flame as Dan pointed out.
Tried toasting uncut on my best seller and the first draw did seem cleaner then usual. Will have to try this on a few more sticks but I think it does hold water. Used a torch lighter.
So, lit the Brazilia today with the method described and it's nothing but good smoke, you skip the initial harsh couple of puffs...
Additionally, I think I'm quite sensitive to spent fuel, which is why I hate touch-up's with a lighter and almost never use a traditional lighter on my cigar.  
Used 5 cigar matches, and happened to burn a small whole in the material that makes up the center console :blush:
I stroked the match and a slight spark jumped off and whittled it's way into the console...
Then used two matches to slowly toast the foot, rotating the cigar and running the stick to the nubbins.
Used another to toast a little more.
Cut the cap
Raised the last match to the foot and proceeded to light it up, blew through the cigar.
Dropped the match and started my smoke.
It's nice and takes quite a bit longer, but I'll continue doing it while smoking indoors and see what I think over a couple of months.
I'd really like to try it with some cedar spills...