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Munich smoke


Drinkin' the koolaid
Oct 12, 2006
Night in Munich before heading home. Got a couple airport cigars. $43 for this and a Magnum 46. 😂

Got a nice snack in the lounge, too. PXL_20210820_163409934.jpg

Found a really nice shop in Nuremberg, but it wasn't open for smoking. Would have been a nice place to hang for the afternoon. Right off the main square, too. PXL_20210724_140710443.jpg

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Nice field trip dude! Hope you had a good time.
Great post,hope you had fun. What were your other cigars purchased? If you don't mind sharing...
Let me know next time you are that close. It is about a 4 hour drive from Zurich.
I've passed through the Munich airport a couple times but never had a chance to explore the city (or Germany). It's very high on my bucket list.
The best part about Germany. View attachment 46444

And the food and smokes, I guess. 😂
Food. Definitely the food! The Autobahn is fun as a novelty, but once. you need to use it simply as the transportation infrastructure it's meant to be, you see how much of a pain in the ass it is with construction, staus, constant massive fluctuations in speeds, etc.
It does not!
But do they serve it warm? The one time I was there I was confused as to why locals drank it warm. I mean I guess it wasn’t warm per se but it was not ice cold at all.

In fact they turned down the fridge for mine to a chilly 70 degrees because they knew I liked mine cold. Lol.
But do they serve it warm? The one time I was there I was confused as to why locals drank it warm. I mean I guess it wasn’t warm per se but it was not ice cold at all.

In fact they turned down the fridge for mine to a chilly 70 degrees because they knew I liked mine cold. Lol.
The kegs are in the cellar, not the fridge, so it's cellar temp. Most of what I drank was in bottles in the fridge, so it was cold.