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Now For Something Completely Different!


That's DON Shadow to you!
Jan 5, 2001
I'm going to start a blind cigar review and need seven players. I will supply the cigars from my humidors(they will not be dog rockets!). There will be three different cigars and I want to set it up so a review will be posted once a week for three weeks. I will set up the dates that each review is due, since it will depend on how fast this fills up and when the cigars go out.

Now what I will ask each of you to do is that after you smoke your review cigar, you will send me your review by e-mail and I will post all the reviews at the same time with no editing.

Send me your mailing info by PM. Who wants in? :D
Snailer sent. :) Looking forward to posting a review and reading the other reviews.
Vedddddy intaesting...

Where do I sign? :p

snailer sent

thanks Shadow!

Good excuse to whip out the Thesaurus ;)

pm sent :thumbs:
My wife tells me I am getting blinder each year. I should be great at this. :p

Shadow if you'd have me I'd love to try this. I love reading reviews and particularly seeing how my taste compares to others on the same item!! This will be a blast!

Snailer sent!

Congratulations on a great idea.

Damn, that was quick! :D

Here is the review team:


I will wrap up the cigars tonight and get them out tomorrow morning. Each cigar will have a number on it, which is it's review number. With the holiday this week and mail delivery, let's shoot to have the review for Cigar #1 into me by Saturday, July 13 so I can post it on Sunday 7/14. After that Cigar #2 review will be due on 7/20 and Cigar #3 on 7/27. I will not identify the review cigar until I post all the reviews for each cigar.

Now if you get ambitious and get the review done before they are due, that's fine just go ahead and send them to me and I'll hold them.

This ought to be fun! :D  :D  :D
Okay, the boxes are packed and ready to go to the PO first thing tomorrow morning.

PuroBrat - 0310 2990 0002 1506 9221
Beast - 0103 8555 7491 2555 7989
Firestorm - 0103 8555 7490 6264 3417
Emo - 0103 8555 7491 4652 9477
Smokin'Tone - 0103 8555 7490 9410 0643
Horse - 0103 8555 7490 7308 8313
JLew - 0103 8555 7490 5211 6778

A few instructions are enclosed in the box. If you have any questions, LMK. :thumbs:
Holy cow that was quick! This is gonna be an awful lot of fun.

Can't wait!
Bill...your package arrived safely. Thanks for letting me join. :D


I think I know what #2 is. :0
no package yet we have all sorts of floods going around here(San Antonio), havent had mail since 7/2/02 here, hopefully soon ???
Got your nicely boxed selections today :p

I know what I'll be doing this weekend.

Damn Jason, everything ok out there? They're playing the floods on the news constantly and it doesn't look so hot. Try and stay dry and safe
Postman not here yet * waits anxiously*..................... :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
JLew, hope you are high and dry there. If for some reason the package gets lost LMK and I'll send another one.