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Pull my finger!


New Member
Apr 30, 2007
So tomorrow afternoon my wife and I will be finding out of the 6.5" 10.5 oz parasite in her belly has ten or eleven fingers...

I figure that's a pretty good cause for a contest, but since it's 50/50 shot (unless you choose 'all of the above') I gotta increase the odds a bit!

The rules:
The contest will end tomorrow when I get home, or when I feel like ending it
You must choose ten or eleven fingers (boy or girl)
You ALSO must choose what cigar I'm going to smoke when I find out. A few clues: It's a cigar referenced in my profile either in the wish list or 'I've loved' category. Be specific! 'Any arturo fuente' ain't gonna cut it!
No edits (cheater!)
One guess per person (spammer!)

The winner will get some smokes from yours truly! Bonus stick if it's a boy (for obvious reasons)

Good luck folks!

Edited for a typo
Congrats - enjoy the ride

10 fingers - Boy (small penis, takes after his Dad) :laugh:
You will smoke a Anejo 55 and very much enjoy it.

Thanks for the contest
First off congrats to the future family addition.

I'll go with "11" fingers and you'll be smoking an Ashton VSG...... :) :thumbs: :cool:
Congratulations man, I bet you can't wait.

My guess is 11 and a Padron Millennium.
11 fingers. Opus Perfecxion X.

Congrats, Rob, and thanks for the contest!
That's one way to get your profile views up there... :laugh:

I guess 10 and Tatuaje Cojonu 2003.

Casa Fuente Corona Gorda to celebrate the 10 fingers.

Congratulation, Rob!
Congrats Rob
Gonna say 10 fingers, and you'll celebrate with BBMF Maduro!
I say 10 fingers and you will smoke a Davidoff Millennium.

