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Some of you may be surprised....

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Here ducky, ducky, ducky!
Aug 25, 2001
Reaction score
....as to what one can find searching google. Why today I did a search for some cigars and was directed to a thread on this board about a bunch of people getting together to buy cuban cigars.

I know that doesn't seem to be a big deal, but...... would you believe that with a few clicks of the mouse I was able to collect the names and addresses of almost everyone that was involved in that purchase? :0 One even had a phone number for me to call if I wanted to. Thought it was interesting enough to share and possibly discuss. :)

A FOG once said: PM is your friend! ;)
Was it one of the IGBC's that popped up? I am about to take my AIP OUT!!!

Thanks for the info bro!

There does seem to be an air of overconfidence on this board in regards to ISOMs (and other boards I've seen recently, as well). People do seem incautious both in terms of outright buys as well as trades. I would probably say I'm guilty of that myself a couple times...

Anyone have any thoughts what the actual risk levels are? Reading through old posts from the beginning of this (and other) boards, y'all used to seem a lot more cagey overall.

So - what are the risks? Any horror stories? Where should the line actually be drawn that you just shouldn't step over?

- Oak

I've read posts on other boards where a person receives their cigars which have been opened by customs, all the cigars slit in half, the box resealed and sent on its way.

I think that's probably the best message they can send one who tries to buy Havanas. I'm not so sure they vendor would make good on those either, after all, most guarantee DELIVERY, but not that they'd be destroyed by customs.
That's small potatoes. Digest this: military guy in a theater of operations against terrorism gets his name and hometown put in the press/media after a successful operation. Next thing you know some terrorist in Country X does a google search at some internet cafe and finds out where this guy's family lives in the U.S. [address, phone number, etc.]. He then alerts a U.S. cell to target the family.

How much of your real data is out on the internet? Notice my address is not in my profile, nor my full name...now wasn't some witty person here making fun of me about this a few threads ago, and with the ISOM thing? :angry:

Yes, my thumb is a weapon of choice and a means of transportation, but with regards to both, you ought to see what I can do with my feet! :D


P.S. Coming to a battle-torn oil & gas field near you soon, bringing my harem of beautiful women with me. Peek-a-boo! ;) Somebody's got to bring that **** home so you can put in your friggin' beemers.
Four Aces said:
That's small potatoes. Digest this: military guy in a theater of operations against terrorism gets his name and hometown put in the press/media after a successful operation. Next thing you know some terrorist in Country X does a google search at some internet cafe and finds out where this guy's family lives in the U.S. [address, phone number, etc.]. He then alerts a U.S. cell to target the family.

How much of your real data is out on the internet? Notice my address is not in my profile, nor my full name...now wasn't some witty person here making fun of me about this a few threads ago, and with the ISOM thing? :angry:

Yes, my thumb is a weapon of choice and a means of transportation, but with regards to both, you ought to see what I can do with my feet! :D


P.S. Coming to a battle-torn oil & gas field near you soon, bringing my harem of beautiful women with me. Peek-a-boo! ;) Somebody's got to bring that **** home so you can put in your friggin' beemers.
A lot of folks give out **** for no AIP, but that is only when your brand new. It just looks like maybe your hiding somethin. Now I am not saying that is what I thought about you, cause it is not, as you well know. But I just wanna let you know where those smart asses comments (from who??) were ment as. I doubt it was anything personal.

But in the end, like you I no longer have AIP so folks will have to PM me for it.


BTW, that is a sad story. I do hope that nothing happened to the family.
Might it be a good idea to do a search on Cigar Pass for "Choice" words and edit those posts to use something ...... "Different? ???
IMO, :) the addie in profile has little to do with it........ its more about people posting their intentions within a thread or someone else listing people's name in regards to purchasing certain things.

I don't buy into the Black Helecopter theroies but I do believe in discretion. ;)
The issue here that Kenny has been kind enough to bring up...has nothing to do with addresses in profiles. It's how people are going about the discussion and more importantly the purchasing of isoms. That search 6 months or a year ago would have never brought up squat...especially here at CP. This could be true even 4 months ago. The recent influx of new members and the addition of the Trader Forum, Bomb Forum and mass group buys has sent this site downhill. It takes NOTHING anymore to get established here...I mean NOTHING. All you need to do is send some half ass package of smokes to someone...organize a 5 stick blinder of mid-line **** and hint to someone to make sure post something nice about the transaction. All of a sudden half this damn board thinks you're a great bruddah....(oops...I mean BOTL for all you new breeds) :lookup: It use to take months to get established enough to recieve the information..let alone actually get the referrals necessary to order from non-disclosed vendors. You can make that happen in less than a month now...no problem(maybe a couple weeks). You log into CP today and everything under the frickin sun is handed to you...****in gift wrapped to boot. There is NO LEARNING PERIOD anymore...why shoud there be? Everyones more than happy to set you up in their group buy...tell you where the sticks are coming from and give the entire lowdown of how to get the forbidden fruit. Are we really ALARMED by Kenny's findings? Come on...are we?

This is a problem that snow balls...it's getting worse everyday and with every addition of new members. It most likely is unfixable...because as Leebo has hinted in a nonspecific thread...there are just to many people here now that don't "get it"...and unfortunantely, it's probably not their fault.
Phil said:
...But I just wanna let you know where those smart asses comments (from who??)...


Since you asked, see: thread.

Juxtapose that against my profile, yahoo photo link, and my intro post reply to Jolly about the thumb vs. the stab in the neck. Pretty funny ****, eh?

Now if you really want to hear something roar try listening to 600+ oil wells "roar" when their heads are blown off.


and then of course there's Beast way of looking at it....ROFLMAO! :D

I prefer to dance around the edges in hopes some will "get it"! ;)
It's funny, I can relate to The Beast's post. I started reading the cigar message boards somewhere around late 1996-early 1997. It took me at least a year to get a referral. Nowadays, even the places that have a "list" are pretty much open to anyone. It's good for their business, I guess, but I long for days past when someone had to beg me to set them up. LMAO!
TheBeast said:
[1]...It's how people are going about the discussion and more importantly the purchasing of isoms...

[2]...The recent influx of new members... It takes NOTHING anymore to get established here...I mean NOTHING.

[3]...All you need to do is send some half ass package of smokes to someone...organize a 5 stick blinder of mid-line ****...

[4]...It use to take months to get established enough to recieve the information..let alone actually get the referrals necessary to order from non-disclosed vendors. ...

[5]...NO LEARNING PERIOD anymore...why shoud there be? Everyones more than happy to set you up in their group buy...tell you where the sticks are coming from and give the entire lowdown...
Adressing this is in parsed point form:

[1] What is the big deal here? Talk is just opinions, and everyone has them, all with different tastes too. Seems to me, that if one avoids common talk about ISOM transactions, then one is ribbed for being cautious or "fearful". Like the "hear me roar" bull**** thread.

[2] Well what does it take? Is this something like Masons, like we were talking about earlier. Is there some secret to getting "established". A secret club? Would normal adults who are already well established in life want to subordinate themselves in some fashion to become "established" here? Shall we do something like the "habano crime family" over at Cigar Aficionado where fawning sycophants seek to obtain a coveted number from asshole veterans over there [they're banned now btw, and glad I helped in that].

[3] Oh really? So are PAN/PAM '26 & '64 conisdered "mid-line" ****? I mean I have only done one trade here, and was met with indifference on other requests. My intent was just to have fun. I can get any cigars I want, by a variety of means. I'm sure others can also. Nobody asked me to post anything about my trade. And so what if someone does ask? If it is a good trade, wouldn't others want to know that someone is a good trader and not sending out "mid-line ****"? Or does that someone need to be "brought along first", i.e., initiated? I think not, this is the land of free trade, we are open for business.

[4] See item 2.

[5] Well, what's wrong with that? These sites are places to exchange information. Personally, I don't need a testing ground. I go to Costa Rica a couple of times a year [and other countries with work], I can sample what I want from the LCDH there, and purchase, or purchase later via the web. What's the big secret/mystery?

As for profiles, detailed contact data doesn't need to be in there, but ya know I sure would like to know something about people before I do business with them. It serves as an introduction to doing transactions. If I ran my micro-company without presenting some form of credentials, I would have been out of business ten years ago when I started this gig. Business is good, so something must have been right.

Best regards,

Wow!! Aren't we easily offended? I didn't realize I was looking you directly in the eye with my post 4A's. There was a reason for Kenny's post and a reason why this board came up in his google search. I just gave a short list of reasons leading up to the creation of that sort of environment...one that did not exist a few months ago here at CP. Do you have a problem with that?
TheBeast said:
It most likely is unfixable...because as Leebo has hinted in a nonspecific thread...there are just to many people here now that don't "get it"...and unfortunantely, it's probably not their fault.
Jeff, great post!

I totally understand what you/guys are saying. Now is there nothing that we can do about this? I think that to protect our time and efforts (I havent put near the time you guys have put in, but then again I don't plan on leaving either) it might be wise to use discretion and go back to doing things the way they were done in years past.

Do you guys think this is impossible? I know it will be tough but I have a few ideas on how we can get things back the way they should be. If we (all of us newbies included) take a stand and show intollorance to some of these posts that are too "revealing" we might be able to cut it off at the knees so to speak.

Also is there anyway to get a protected forum? I am a member of another website which uses the same forum as this one which only admins and moderators (to which I am a mod) have acess to a perticular forum on the website. So I do know that is possible. maybe we could limit all talk of that nature (when even acceptible) to that forum (if we can get it) as well. And then put a limit to whom can go into that forum by the length of time spent as a member.

Just some ideas, as I have seen this site change drastically in the few short months I have been a member (joined on sept 19th last year, lost the real date with the L40.net incident) and honestly it's going to the dogs.

What do you long standing members think of that?
TheBeast said:
[1] Wow!! Aren't we easily offended?

[2] Do you have a problem with that?
[1] Who's said I was offended? When I'm offended I will say the following: "I am offended".

[2] No. Do you?

Your post merits dialog, and that's what you got now, at least from me. That is what you intended, correct? I mean to get some dialog out of your post. Or were us new guys just to read it and then shut-up ?

I think, from what I have seen, that the acceptance you are describing for new folks is for the most part okay, though I gather from your post that you do not approve. In the end, any trader who proves himself to be a scoundrel will be exposed. New or old. I have seen that here on a couple of threads already, which is good, this self-policing. So why make a new guy wait around for an "initiation"process, as I am inferring from your post? Those that have been "exposed" as bad traders were not so new, now were they? ??? See my point?

Well considering you referenced yourself in your reply:

Would normal adults who are already well established in life want to subordinate themselves in some fashion to become "established" here?

Oh really? So are PAN/PAM '26 & '64 conisdered "mid-line" ****?
(assuming that's one of your trades?)

I can get any cigars I want, by a variety of means

Personally, I don't need a testing ground. I go to Costa Rica a couple of times a year [and other countries with work], I can sample what I want from the LCDH there, and purchase, or purchase later via the web. What's the big secret/mystery?

...yadda yadda yadda.

You can probably see how I could think you were offended ???
Four Aces, chill out a grow some thick skin!

I mean, WTF to come off like that with your hundred and some post count? I think you need to get a clue because Jeff, Matt and Kenny are right on with this post!

If it applies, so be it! If it doesn't , let it fly!

Jeff is right though, you used to have to earn **** around here and now it's like a circus. I can ignore most of the BS but don't come in here talking stuff newbie unless you're prepared to get it back!

I see this BS everywhere!! In the workplace, on boards, etc. This sense of entitlement like folks expect to have it all now!

Well folks, I got news for ya! I don't care how many trades you've done, bombs you've sent or whatever, that doesn't get squat with me! Earn it like I did!

Rant over!

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