We don't discuss Cuban sources on this board. Since you're in Australia you shouldn't have an issue finding legitimate sources locally or from people in your neck of the woods that smoke.Well I live In Australia
so no problem in getting cubans here although the import duties are disgusting. In saying that can anyone direct me to a few cuban stores ?or should i be posting somewhere else ?
Here is a link where you can find the info. Essentially $800 worth of goods duty free from cuba including 1 liter of rum and 100 cigars. More than this and you will pay a duty tax of 4% the value of the goods
I would personally only purchase from Las Casas del hubanos storesAs this discussion is taking place in the Sources section. I will kindly remind folks, it is imperative to...TRUST YOUR SOURCE. If you know nothing about Cuban cigars and come back to the US with garbage in a glass top or that you acquired from someone selling you on a story that they know the person’s, cousin’s, mailman’s, niece, works at the factory, you are smoking fakes.
I would personally only purchase from Las Casas del hubanos stores
What problem are you referring to befreebern?
I would personally only purchase from Las Casas del hubanos stores
Oh ok. I haven't been to Cuba yet, but I'm planning on going soon. I will have to figure all this out. My research thus far showed the safest way to avoid fakes was to shop at the official stores. Obviously I have alot of research to do.If I were you, I'd stay away from "Las Casas del Hubanos" stores. I'd say those stores sell 100% fake anything, if that's their business name.
Oh ok. I haven't been to Cuba yet, but I'm planning on going soon. I will have to figure all this out. My research thus far showed the safest way to avoid fakes was to shop at the official stores. Obviously I have alot of research to do.