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Tell me why you deserve a free bag of cigars


Oct 2, 2005
Hi guys,

I've been doing some Summertime coolidor cleaning and came up with a bag of smokes that I don't think I'll ever get to. Most are decent cigars with some better and some worse that average.

If you could use a bunch of cheap smokes for the yard or just casual huffing, post your reason why you think you deserve to get this bag of free cigars. The guy with the best or most entertaining answer will win the prize. :thumbs:




Your posts provided the most chuckular stimulation (note: this is in no way related to penis or the cutting off thereof) and so the sack is yours. I will be PMing you to confirm your mailing address. Congratulations bud.


PS. The troops deserve something better so let me see what I can do.
Hi guys,

I've been doing some Summertime coolidor cleaning and came up with a bag of smokes that I don't think I'll ever get to. Most are decent cigars with some better and some worse that average.

If you could use a bunch of cheap smokes for the yard or just casual huffing, post your reason why you think you deserve to get this bag of free cigars. The guy with the best or most entertaining answer will win the prize. :thumbs:


Ya, know - I deserve them<he so humbly types>...but don't have room.

Between buys :D and bombs :love: ...the humi's friggin' !packed.

The BOTL on this site are awsome!!!

I'm sure you'll have many contenders for the package!

Nice Play!!!
[pitiful face]

Well, in 5 days I head home for 2 great weeks of R&R with the family. However, there's one drawback. All my 'gars are out here in Iraq and I haven't a one back at home waiting for me.

So I guess I'll just have to spend my two precious weeks of regular life without my one passion. Unless........
[/pitiful face]

Ok, and if that sad story didn't work, then how 'bout this?


I suddenly feel very ashamed of myself. :laugh:
Wyatt, gotta say ...
That friggin cracked me up!


Because Watermelon and Banana Philly Blunts just are not cutting it anymore…
Wyatt, that's one funny post - ROTFLMAO
How the hell do you beat that?

Nice play Wilkey!

Damn you Wilkey,
I was ABOUT to post a "who wants to buy my yard-gars and likely not to be smoked decent smokes that I don't want to give up space for" thread...and you come up with this FREE shit?

By the way, everybody, keep your eyes out for the above mentioned thread...it won't be AS good a deal, but you won't have to come up with some redeeming quality in yourself to get it!
Damn, and I thought that I was a freakin moocher!

I think I should get the smokes, Why you might ask?

Because I'm a dirty cigar whore, that's why :blush:
I cant even come close to make you feel as horrible as Brickhouse did, but here goes.

OK so one day after coming home from the orphanage where I work for free my house was on fire. I ran in not caring about my possessions except my cigars. My humidor was flaming 5 feet high and I opened it up buring my hands reaching in and grabbing a VSG that was just buring on the end. I ran out of the house and watched the rest of the house burn while I smoked my last cigar. In the process I lost everything, but at the time I was moderately happy due to the cigar that I was smoking, I know live on the streets and have made a humidor out of old newspapers, it really works better than you would think. I dig in the dumpster to find the old cigars that the stores have thrown out because they are too old, and you know how bad those old cigars can taste. ;)

Did you specify that the story had to be real?

(edited by adding to story)
Funny thing is, I just lost a bag of cigars !
Wait...I was passing through Delaware at the time !!
Wait...They were mainly decent cigars with some better and some worse that average !!!
Wait...About the same time I lost them, I saw a little girl in a pink hat running away with her hands full !!!!

Wilkey I dont know what your up to, but I dont like it !!!!!

:) :) :) :) :) :)

You guys are cracking me up!

Wyatt, you have sunk to a new low, my brother. :thumbs:

Josh, you mean some people here have redeeming qualities? ???

Mark T, I like your candor. :D

Xav, very original. ;)

Keep em coming. If something grabs me by the end of the day, the smokes'll go out tomorrow. And who knows...not all of them might be "legal."

Well, I just had the worst day ever on the morn of last Thursday. It all started when my chauffeur had opened the door of my Bugatti Royale and had not extended it fully. The awkward motion I had to make exiting the vehicle dislodged my monocle. The monocle landed directly on my brand new Hublot Tourbillon platinum watch mentioned in the good life section of the August Aficionado. It put quite a scratch in the $160,000 watch. Needless to say I promptly fired my chauffeur and have been forced to drive myself ever since. :0 :(
I deserve it for 3 reasons.

1. I'm bigger then you are and it would be good to keep me on your side.

2. I'm close so it won't cost much to ship.

3. I'll add it to the next stash I send to the Jarheads in the sandbox and surrounding area.
I hate to bag on other people, but this is the way it is:

Brick very good story and even a very good reason you deserve a free bag of smokes, but, you did say that smoking is your one passion. Sorry, but while you are home you will not have time for smoking, as I am notifying your love interest that you said that. You will have make up for that slip, even if it is the truth.

Apathy78, that is way too obvious.

Mark Twain, who isn’t a cigar whore?

Xav – It is apparent that you now have a Humi, even if it is made of newspaper, and are able to get cigars on your own.

Century – Do you have pictures? To blame a little girl…mercy!

CasaSoho – Drives a foreign car and wears fake watches.

AVB – 1st he threatens you, then he calls you cheap (like you would be worried about shipping) and #3 I can’t slam him on that, just a humanitarian. But I think the #1 and #2 should be enough for disqualification.

Wurm – right!

And anyone posting after me; should have been paying more attention and got their post in earlier.

Oh yeah, my reason is that I would sing your praises until my dying day.