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The everlasting gobstopper pass

ok boys and girls calm down..

#1) you guys that aren't in the pass should STFU, especially after Rod posted about this same thing a while ago. Leebo, gibu and now gr8...just can it. the only posts you guys have made in this thread is to enflame the situation...you want to have the post rules changed for passes, just keep it up.

#2) Marc and I are the people that have been working to try and recover the cigars...we have both been communicative with the thread. Marc has been totaly honest about the situation and has admited that he didn't handle it right.

#3) I got an email back from Texasaggie today. I am working to recover the box.

#4) The gob is over...cooked...finito...it is over because a bunch of you have nothing better to do than stick your noses in here and stir the crap when you aren't even involved...you know who you are. Rod wants the pass to end...the pass will end.

#5) I will leave it up to the pass participants how the cigars should be split up...god forbid i should suggest anything.

Barney, thinking you can tell anyone here to STFU is a joke! LMAO

Why don't you go ahead and disappear like you said earlier..... :laugh:
I've no desire to get involved in the bickering going on here, but I would like to state a few things.

1) It's my understanding that the penalty rule was present from the start? I may be wrong on this, as with all of the drama, I have not been following it as closely as I normally would. Regardless, I agree, that rule sucked. ;)

2) I definitely did put the cigars I did with the intention that Barney would take them; had he not been the recipient of the gob the first time around, I would not have put them. I was planning on sending him some of them anyway, and since the pass was there, I decided to save postage and include them. I probably should have made that more clear; I do apologize for that.

3) I've met Barney in person a few times; I think he's a good guy, and I do not think he would screw anyone intentionally or otherwise. That's just my opinion, and I don't expect it to change anyone else's.

4) The mess-up with the pass sucks; there is not enough data to know what happened to is, so everyone hang tight, hold the accusations, and let's see what we can figure out. I'm hoping Marc can find the DC# on one of his receipts

Time to resume lurking now.
I hear ya Moki but I've seen enough of this "Look at me" stuff to know who's a true BOTL and who's not....

I know enough to draw my own conclusions.....
servebig said:
OK...i told texasaggie i'd give him til wednesday to respond...emailed him directly twicw and called him to leave a message. i guess we can assume that the box was delivered to him and he has gone south with it. maybe he is reading the boards anonymously. il think we should air our feelings. brad, i, for one, am really dissapointed in you. i thought that you were one of the good guys.


I know I was pretty ready to just sit back and watch the rest of this play out since it was almost done and all. Reading this post though I just really couldn't believe what I was reading. Barney jumping on someone and blaming someone else in exactly the same way that he says hes been so unfairly treated. Seems like he was more then willing to jump all over someone if it was going to shift the focus off onto someone else. I would think someone so sensitive to public outings would be a little more discreet, a little more reluctant. But nope.

As part of my amazement I had no idea why we would just asume things with Barney. He jumps all over others for asuming things, and here he is asking to come along with him and asume some nasty things. I did indeed question the thinking of this.
Yea, Just why is it that we can assume this? Why should we assume this? What evidence would we have for this??

I'm not even real sure why we would even asume it was even mailed to him. What would be the evidence for that.
That really doesn't seem so bad to me. But then Barney does seem a little sensitive about stuff these days. At least stuff about himself anyway. ???
Random levity attempt #1......--->

Just to be perfectly clear... that cartoon I posted was not directed in any way at anyone in this thread. I was just trying to lighten the mood here a bit.
i thought it was funny...god knows we could all use a good laugh. moki thanks for your kind words. gibu and leebo...i guess i am sensetive, but alot of it comes from the general tone that has been set boardwide. its a really bad tone and involves lots of finger pointing...i really don't like it. i don't like ANY of it, not just the stuff directed at me.

i'm especially amazed that guys would continue to post stuff in a pass that is CLEARLY designed to be reactionary, inflamatory...WHEN THEY ARE NOT INVOLVED IN THE PASS.

i believe the administrator had something to say about this issue a while ago. or did you guys miss that?

guys we are at a crossroads here...if you aren't in a pass you might want to consider either addressing your comments directly to someone if they are negative, or hold your tongue all together.

just my humble opinion...
I just cleaned up a huge pile of that yesterday!! LMAO

I'll have to post the story Andrew!

Oh and Barney, you can keep pming me calling me "son" all you want, it won't change the fact that you are what you are! LOL
Yea, I gota agree with Leebo on this one. PMing me to STFU then calling me Son for some weird reason just isn't going to get it done.

You want to end this, then dont jump all over someone else and try to shift the focus off on to them. Stay quiet and don't start it back up again. You are the one that said
il think we should air our feelings
after all. Is this how you feel or not.

You can try to hide behind Rod all you want, but it's clear with your post who is still stiring. I just responded to your call to "air our feelings". There is no ban on posting in other passes, and my posts were not out of line in any way. I was simply questioning the reasoning for calling out someone else. I didn't call you names or even resort to telling you to STFU or something.

Moki, nice cartoon. No I did not feel it was directed at anyone in any way. Don't worry about that. :)

Edited to add:

guys we are at a crossroads here...if you aren't in a pass you might want to consider either addressing your comments directly to someone if they are negative, or hold your tongue all together.
I'm sure Texasaggie agrees with you on this completely.

alot of it comes from the general tone that has been set boardwide. its a really bad tone and involves lots of finger pointing...i really don't like it. i don't like ANY of it, not just the stuff directed at me.
Again, more stuff Texasaggie might redily agree with.

I'm not defending Texasaggie in any way. But to be so quick to do to him what you claim has been done to you..............
It's my understanding that the penalty rule was present from the start? I may be wrong on this

Yes Moki you are indeed wrong, I've told you this twice already.
Barney's a real piece of work!


Anyone who gets involved with this guy at this point deserves what they get. Just because someone sends you a bottle of Zin (or doesn't...) doesn't mean they can be trusted. Look at the list of cigars that ole barnes took compared to what's left and do the math.....

You can't hide behide Rod either, this board moderates itself and you brought this on yourself, braggart!
Okay guys I tried. Honest to God. I made every effort. I've meditated, listened to motivational tapes and even went to a grocery store at 5:00 pm on Friday and nothing works. It is frustrating to say the least. I've decided to give up.
I just can't make myself care about this. You're on your own.

Leebo8-9-8 said:
Barney's a real piece of work!


Anyone who gets involved with this guy at this point deserves what they get. Just because someone sends you a bottle of Zin (or doesn't...) doesn't mean they can be trusted. Look at the list of cigars that ole barnes took compared to what's left and do the math.....

You can't hide behide Rod either, this board moderates itself and you brought this on yourself, braggart!

i have tried to take it to PM, but all you want to do is name call...i think you need a timeout, son. i dunno, maybe the community wants "characters" like you around.

rather than look at what i took vs. what i left, wouldn't a better guage be what i originated the pass with?

anyway, the real issue here is that you, son, are not even in the pass, yet you spout your bile. and if you look at your past posts you can see that this is your MO...you and a few select others, have taken on the job of board "ball-breaker" in the majority of the threads that you post in.


even though i made a few mistakes on the first go round of the gob...penalty sticks, routing, weight...i fixed these for the 2nd round. but the real reason why the gob is dead is that certain people here should be back in second grade rather than in a "friendly" cigar community.

something is clearly wrong with this self-mod system...anyway...i'm done...go ahead and spout.
coventrycat86 said:
It's my understanding that the penalty rule was present from the start? I may be wrong on this

Yes Moki you are indeed wrong, I've told you this twice already.

i instituted that rule after the original post. the consensus was that it was a bad rule, so we did away with it.
SamClemmons said:
and even went to a grocery store at 5:00 pm on Friday


Little help here? What does a grocery store at 5pm on a Friday do for you, or is suposed to do for you?? If it usually works with whatever its suposed to do then perhaps I should give it a try?
Ah perhaps it is a regional thing. At five in the evening on any given Friday in the small town of Front Royal, Virginia, one must interact with hordes of humanity escaping Washington DC and suburbs. It is an extremely eclectic mix from the human detritus (also know as the "Great Unwashed") from the surrounding mountains who are compelled to "go inta town fer eats" to the pampered, powdered well cared for rat bastids who live on the federal dole and must escape their hardship filled lives and spend the weekend getting back to their roots... that is a weekend in their 10000 SF country houses and alternate wait staff. These people, all of them, head for the store to stock up on various edibles, liquor and beer... lots of beer.... at 5:00 PM on Friday evening. The front of the store is completely clogged with this flotsam of humanity who are invariably angry, in a hurry, rude, hacking their lungs out with the flue, have 1.5 to 7.5 snot nosed children hanging off their carts in various stages of undress and screaming, with absolutely no regard for anyone around them and are intent on cursing the poor soul presently checking out 6 carts in front of them who is in desperate need of a price check for a single donut. The hostility one can experience here at 5pm on Friday is usually enough to get one "het up", start the old blood pumping, put a little starch in yer shorts, the old ticker clicking, and for me... well... an unsurpassed sense of superiority and joy in the knowledge that not one of these bastards is gonna live forever.

It just tends to get me in the mood for battle... didn't work though.

grocery stores aside...what do the pass participants want to do with the gob if and when it is recovered?
servebig said:
grocery stores aside...what do the pass participants want to do with the gob if and when it is recovered?

You stated you received an email from TexasAggie? What'd it say?