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Triple review/thoughts--2 Opus X and 1 Antano


Opus Lover
Oct 25, 2003
After a long time off, I had the opp. to smoke these three tonight. In a nutshell:

If you've an iron mouth and a desire for a super nicotine high, go for the Antano (no surprises here)

Opus X of both varieties give the perfect combo of flavor, strength, and smoking experience. They seem to burn faster, too. That might be a consequence of my smoking the JdN last, which was kind of a mistake if you will. So I might have been less inclined to puff it.

After taking a long break from cigars, I felt like I was right back in the flow with the Opus Xs. The Antano made me think, who the hell smokes these unless their taste buds are long gone and they're just looking for a major nic high?

For someone who has smoked a few cigars in their life, an Opus X just hits the spot, if you know what I mean.

The Antano was kind of like, well, I have 2 Opus X and one of these and I smoked the first two so let's see what this has to offer...meh.

I used to love the Antanos. Now they make me wonder what I was thinking.

Nota bene: all the cigars I own are fairly well aged. I noticed that Opus X are "in season" when I took my kid to the cigar store for some cigar stick gum (he loves those and it was his B-day). Thus the disclaimer.

If you're a casual/occasional cigar smoker, it seems there's no reason to smoke anything other than the Opus.

nota bene 2: I don't find ISOMs worth the hassle compared to the offerings such as Opus X and Nicaraguans like Perdomo Maduros.

I hope you've had a grain of salt firmly between your teeth for the duration of this post.

Oops. nota bene 3--these cigars and review come after a few Molson Ice beers, which are quite nice IMO.
Good to see you are still smoking and thanks for the reviews.
I had my first Perdomo Habano Maduro yesterday. I have to agree it was quite nice. Thanks for the reviews.

nota bene 2: I don't find ISOMs worth the hassle compared to the offerings such as Opus X and Nicaraguans like Perdomo Maduros.
Good gosh, JL. It has been a long time. Just might be time to spark up some of those long-neglected Opii I have napping in the coolers. The Antaño is too much for me. The Antaño Gran Reserva, though, seems not quite as raw and rough, providing some flavor to go along with the considerable nic-kick.

Lately I've become a big Perdomo fan also (ok, let the flaming begin :) )

I would add the Padron 1964 to your list of cigars that make Cubans cigars less wanted/needed,,, personally I'd take one over a Cuban because I know the flavor and consistency is always bang on, you can't say that with Cubans, at least in my experience.
If you're a casual/occasional cigar smoker, it seems there's no reason to smoke anything other than the Opus.

nota bene 2: I don't find ISOMs worth the hassle compared to the offerings such as Opus X and Nicaraguans like Perdomo Maduros.

I have to disagree with these two statements. There are several other non-Cuban smokes out there that are well worth exploring and selecting other than Opus (Although I won't lie... Opus is one of my favs too :blush: ). And as for the ISOM statement, while I enjoy a wide selection of non-ISOM smokes on the regular, ISOM smokes just seem to be more enjoyable for me on the whole. Probably in part due to the "elusiveness" of them as well...

Smoked my first Perdomo Lot 23 maddie (torp) the other day at the shop and damn I was impressed! Gonna have to get a box of these soon... GB?

Just my .02 cents though...

Thanks for the reviews! :thumbs:

I guess by occasional, I mean less than one a week. Some guys live their whole lives smoking dime store Swisher Sweets or whatever. You could do worse than to smoke nothing but Opus X.

For many variety is the spice of life. It takes all kinds. Vive la difference and all that bullshit.

While you ponder this, please witness the sensation known as

Good to see you are still smoking and thanks for the reviews.

I had my first Perdomo Habano Maduro yesterday. I have to agree it was quite nice. Thanks for the reviews.

nota bene 2: I don't find ISOMs worth the hassle compared to the offerings such as Opus X and Nicaraguans like Perdomo Maduros.
I don't understand it, but if it's alright with them, it's alright with me.

Good to see you are still smoking and thanks for the reviews.

I had my first Perdomo Habano Maduro yesterday. I have to agree it was quite nice. Thanks for the reviews.

nota bene 2: I don't find ISOMs worth the hassle compared to the offerings such as Opus X and Nicaraguans like Perdomo Maduros.
I don't understand it, but if it's alright with them, it's alright with me.


Doc you make me smile!
I just smoked an Antano tonight and it was amazingly smooth. I guess age really mellows them out because aged Opus X are still very spicy and strong to me.
Holy shit, it's been awhile since I've seen you around. Welcome back dude.
