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UGH grrr WTF

Just keeps getting better , Uncle had eye surgery last week and now just went into surgery for kidney stone 3mm. Sigh
Aunt is in high spirits, the dialysis center got their shit together and it is going well now.
I prefer this one,

Why Worry? In life there are only two things to worry about:
Whether you are well,
or whether you are sick.

Now if you are well,
You have nothing to worry about.

And if you are sick,
You only have two things to worry about:
Whether you get better,
or whether you die.

If you get better,
You have nothing to worry about.

And if you die,
You only have two things to worry about:
Whether you go to heaven,
or whether you go to hell.

Now if you go to heaven,
You have nothing to worry about.
And if you go to hell, You’ll be too busy shaking hands with Your friends,
that you won't have time to worry.
So Why Worry?

Best wishes to you and your family.
Sorry I haven't updated , the sept 18 got canceled , then was supoosed to be middle of oct , was rescheduled for today , However it was once again cancelled. My other aunt got a cold. Now she is looking at dec. :(
So your Aunt has had no kidneys for like 4 months? That doesn't even sound good.
So took so long to update , the Nov date was canceled. However was rescheduled and finally done Dec. 18 , they are both doing well. Donor still a bit sore they nicked an artery and had to go back in. But both are home and doing well.
So took so long to update , the Nov date was canceled. However was rescheduled and finally done Dec. 18 , they are both doing well. Donor still a bit sore they nicked an artery and had to go back in. But both are home and doing well.

Thanks for the update. Glad everyone is doing well. Thoughts and prayers!!