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What's in your pipe today?

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I have been wanting to try the Frog Morton Cellar. Next on my purchase list

I didn't love this one. To be fair, I'm not the biggest FM fan out there. I was intrigued by the idea, but in reality I think this is just a gimmick. This stuff is heavily topped with a whiskey flavoring. Once it burns off the smoke is just bland. If you haven't picked it up yet, PM your address I'll send you some from my tin. This is definitely one to try before you buy.
PM sent Pipe Smoker. Thanks for the generouse offer.

(Hopefully you receive the PM, I'm partaking of the rum tonight and my fingers aren't working right for some reason)
Had another bowl of Tuskegee Airman in my non name calabash last night. I've found it seems to do better in a smaller bowl. I'll have to toss some in my group 1 Dunny and see how it smokes. So far I've been loving it though! Has great flavor, and just the slightest sweetness.
Bowl of C&D Virginia Gentlemen in an Il Ceppo cavalier...enjoying the sounds of coyotes going crazy in the woods lol
Had some Nightcap in my Kaywoodie tonight. Havent had a smoke in a while...and this was not a let down. Excellent smoke, always reminding me of why it is a favorite blend.
Had another bowl of Tuskegee Airman in my non name calabash last night. I've found it seems to do better in a smaller bowl. I'll have to toss some in my group 1 Dunny and see how it smokes. So far I've been loving it though! Has great flavor, and just the slightest sweetness.

How are you preparing the plug? I have passed this one over because, for some reason, I have an irrational prejudice against plugs with latakia. No idea why, I love plugs, Kendal Plug is one of my all time favorite smokes. I just can't get into any that has latakia.
It's more like a cake than a plug really. You can just take your fingers and break a piece off and rub it out. I was worried about the prep before too, but I found this wasn't really a plug when they had all the open tins at the Columbus show to sample. It's not as crumbly as something like Penzance, but definitely much easier to prep than a traditional plug, like 3P's or the like. PM me your address and I'll get a sample out to you! My friend and I split 5 tins at the show, so I have plenty of open tins I'm working through at the moment!
Had some Macbaren HH Old Dark Fired the other day. Dunno if I'm completely sold on it yet, but the flavor was a sure change of pace from what I'm used to.
I have been wanting to try the Frog Morton Cellar. Next on my purchase list

I didn't love this one. To be fair, I'm not the biggest FM fan out there. I was intrigued by the idea, but in reality I think this is just a gimmick. This stuff is heavily topped with a whiskey flavoring. Once it burns off the smoke is just bland. If you haven't picked it up yet, PM your address I'll send you some from my tin. This is definitely one to try before you buy.

Dave, I receieved your generous offer in the mail yesterday and wanted to thank you for the sample.

I will fire it up today and let you know how it goes.

Thanks again,

Well it wasn't today, but with Sandy in town I finally had a minute to sit and smoke (actually had a whole bunch of minutes because I couldn't leave the house for two days). I dipped into the very generous sample of Tuskegee Airmen that Chris was kind enough to send me.

I was impressed with the consistency. It wasn't as dense as the GLP plugs and nowhere near the chunks of rock that come from overseas, but at the same time it was not a crumble cake like you see from H&H. Too soft to cube, but perfect to just punch and rub out.

I was also impressed with the blend itself. I am a big fan of C&D blends, but I find that, when it comes to their English blends they are either very strong (ie Start of the East) or very mild (ie Elegant Emu). I like both, but, to me, they aren't true English blends. This was a true English blend. The Latakia was a present, but it was a supporting player rather than the dominant flavor. The Virginia added a bit of sweetness, but again in the background. I found the Turkish and Perique to take center stage in a very nice way.

All in all I really liked this one. I may just have to order a few 8 oz tins for a rainy day.
Had a bowl of No Bite Delite from Boswell's that I receieved when I purchased some Christmas Cheer last year.

Smells choclately (sic) and has a nice aroma on pre-lite. It lives up to it's name and is a cool burner and smooth.

Don't know if I would buy it again, but will enjoy what I have.
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