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Wish me luck....


If it isn't dixieland, it isn't REAL jazz
Aug 10, 2003
Well fellas, wish me luck. I'm having my wisdom teeth extracted at 11:45am Friday. I went this long without any trouble, but all last week was absolutely excruciating :angry: The entire left side of my face was swolen.

The good new is that it looks like it will be without incident; a "2" on the 1 to 10 scale of difficulty, as my surgeon put it. :thumbs: ...and it will aparently only be 75% as bad as most people. I only have three wisdom teeth - now and forever.

I'll be without any sticks for a week, so y'all have to have double to make up for me ;)

Good luck bro. I had 4 taken out in Boot Camp. And they are going to pull them out. Well, at least not until they crack em into a couple pieces. :0 :0 :0 BTW, follow all the directions to avoid dry socket. Even drugs dont stop all of the pain those things cause. Best of luck.

It must be a military thing cause I had all 4 of mine taken out at boot camp too and that was back in 1976.... :p
Well, I'm more scared of having the next one come in as painfully as the this one than having them all removed. I was basically sucking on an Ambesol tube all last week.

Funny story- When I was 6, I tripped a shattered my front two teeth on a marble floor (OK, so it wasn't funny). I had to wear a permanent partials until my adult teeth came in. I also had to wear headgear and a retainer (paletal expander actually) AT SCHOOL. Wow was I popular :angry: Then there was braces.... This should complete the story - taking teeth out instead of replacing them :p
stogieman said:
It must be a military thing cause I had all 4 of mine taken out at boot camp too and that was back in 1976.... :p
Hey ole man guess what. I was 2.... :p

Good luck and watch the dry socket!! :(
What they all said. Have no personal knowledge, as I lost so many molars as a kid that my wisdoms came in as replacements.
I know they put my son out with full anesthetic to do his, so I REALLY am glad for you that your procedure's gonna be easier.

Speedy recovery! (Remember, no sucking! :) )
Good luck

I had all four of mine removed my first year of college. Even though they were all impacted, I didn't have any problems at all after the procedure. I hope it goes as well for you. :thumbs:

Thanks to all of you for the support. It is imperative that you all remember to double up you herfing while I'm decomisssioned ;) If I can't enjoy 'em y'all should. :p

You want teeth horror stories? I can make you feel so much better. Consider yourself fortunate.

I am 30 years old and have only 3 of the teeth I was born with. :( It's not all that bad though. You can have a lot of fun with kids when you can do tricks with your teeth at birthday parties. Gotta make the best with what ya got! hehehehehe
I had some teeth out not long ago and need to go back for even more. I feel for you!

Got mine removed when I was 18. They were so impacted the doc had to use a hammer and chisel to break them into little pieces for extraction. They spread my mouth so wide I had tears in the corners! I was out of commission for 3 days. I hope your sugery goes much smoother! And don't worry Dixie, I'll smoke triple my usual just in case :p Serously though, good luck and a speedy recovery!
There's a joke in here somewhere..oral....dry socket.... but, I think I'll refrain. :) Don't plan on smoking for a while, bro.

Hope all is well and that your procedure went off without a hitch. But your probably too dopped up right now to respond so, kick back and relax let the meds do there work and hopefully you'll be good as new in a couple of days.

Get better soon ;)

BenjieV :D
Hey Dixie, Best of luck. Hope your one of the many that pull through with no problem. :thumbs:
stogieman said:
It must be a military thing cause I had all 4 of mine taken out at boot camp too and that was back in 1976.... :p
Geez... I wasn't even born yet :0 :p
I'm conscious enough to let you guys know I'm alright. :thumbs: Thanks for all the nice messages :D

It went well, but I am having pretty significant problems with weakness and nausea. I have to move very slowly not get sick. I can’t imagine what it would be like without nausea meds.

I should be strong enough to play on the internet by tomorrow night. I’m in good hands though, my girlfriend and mom are pitching in to nurse me.


I'm glad you pulled through with flying colors there Dixie. :)
It's always nice to have your mom and girlfriend around to play nursey. :thumbs:

and Boeman, we can't all be young pups..... :sign: :D :sign:
boeman said:
stogieman said:
It must be a military thing cause I had all 4 of mine taken out at boot camp too and that was back in 1976.... :p
Geez... I wasn't even born yet :0 :p
Is he calling us FOGs old Stogie? ;) :D

Dixie glad to hear you came through it alright. Take the nausea meds and relax. Do not even think about smoking with the dry socket, trust me on this.