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Responsibility of the FOG's.

Steve, none of these show "animosity" towards new members. All the ones you referenced are responses to people, newer members and others who have been here for a while who were out of line, kinda like you are here.

Your not making any sense. Perhaps more reading and less typing is in order. ;)
Maybe you should put some pants on instead of walking around in a dress. ;)

How am I not making any sense kilted?

Matt makes a good point about people pointing out obvious typos as opposed to real errors like the fact that you don't know the difference between "you're" and "your." I highly doubt this was a typo in your case kilted but you really don't know the proper use of "your" and "you're" or do you?

Do tell.......
Wow, just wow. I'm gonna go to a diferent topic now, I think I'm scarred for life. Wow....... :sign:

You should see the size of his root.. you would be scarred for life....

God DAMNIT Matt. That is just wrong. Why must you say these things?

Drew, he said root, not manhood or penis or johnson, etc. YOU were the one who took "root" to mean something else :sign:

It has been inplied since the begeinning, all in good fun haha!
Wow, just wow. I'm gonna go to a diferent topic now, I think I'm scarred for life. Wow....... :sign:

You should see the size of his root.. you would be scarred for life....

God DAMNIT Matt. That is just wrong. Why must you say these things?

Drew, he said root, not manhood or penis or johnson, etc. YOU were the one who took "root" to mean something else :sign:

It has been inplied since the begeinning, all in good fun haha!

It's ok to bat for the other team, we understand.
Brandon...please...don't make accusations. I don't think it's necessary. HAHA, and I am far from swinging from the wrong tree. You are the one in the tiera remember..... :whistling:
Wow, less than 24 hours and look at the number of posts.

CC, we are going to just have to agree to disagree on the whole spelling thing. I think it is a petty thing to do. You believe it is mentoring. You won't change the way I think about it and I don't think I'll be changing the way you view it either. BTW, I'm not WRONG on this...of course, since it is opinion-based, neither are you. Hmmmmm, hate it when I have to admit that. :sign:

As for asking for references for the MANY people, it was in response to Neal's post for specifics. Neal asked for specifics, so I figured it was fair to do likewise. Speaking in generalities tends to dilute one's arguement. As for picking out the posts where you have corrected people's spelling, you and I both know it would be very long. I am just not going to take that much time with this.

George, I never said I wanted to be a FOG. I don't. I know what I know about cigars and learn more everyday. I try to pass it on when I have the chance. I try to meet and smoke with as many people on the board as I can. I try to participate and contribute. I don't want the gigantic, e-penis label of FOG associated with my name. :p I think I can speak for LC and say he does not want to be a FOG either. Hell, if it makes one turn out like MattR, why would ANYONE want to be a FOG. :laugh: I think you understand what I was getting at though. I was referring to the way he deals with others, the way he participates, and the way he trys to contribute and provide input. I think Patrick does a very good job of mentoring.

As for the 'winkie' comment...I just feel that it is a sign of self-righteous, know-it-all behavior. To me (note, I did not say anyone else, many, or a bunch of us :0 ), it comes off as very condescending. If you don't mean it that way, then very well, I was wrong.

Neal...not much I can say. You are fine form today. You might have been taking shots at me, but I was chuckling through the whole thing. I'll have to go re-read later.

Then there is MattR, Ginseng's root, and the tiara-wearing Okie. Good stuff guys. :laugh:

BTW, Bill, George, and Neal, I didn't post last night just for the sake of posting or to just take a shot. I actually did (and still do on some points) disagree with you. Well, that and you came after LC...he's my peeps. I think each of you would do the same. Anyway, I am going to disagree with you at times and you with me. That makes us all different people. All in all, this was pretty tame and civilized. I happen to believe that is how people should disagree. By all means, say what you mean, but do so in a civilized manner (Do you have any Grey Poupon?) :p Thanks for the good reading.

Oh, and Celt, I know it was Bill, but don't take up your time correcting people's spelling and grammar. There are much more important things to do on the board...

Good show all. :thumbs:
Your not making any sense. Perhaps more reading and less typing is in order. ;)

Mrs. Crabtree is gonna get ya on this one KC, or celt might.

I just love getting to call Bill "Mrs. Crabtree." :laugh:

Your not making any sense. Perhaps more reading and less typing is in order. ;)

Matt makes a good point about people pointing out obvious typos as opposed to real errors like the fact that you don't know the difference between "you're" and "your." I highly doubt this was a typo in your case kilted but you really don't know the proper use of "your" and "you're" or do you?

See, I told ya KC, he got ya.
Wow, less than 24 hours and look at the number of posts.

CC, we are going to just have to agree to disagree on the whole spelling thing. I think it is a petty thing to do. You believe it is mentoring. You won't change the way I think about it and I don't think I'll be changing the way you view it either. BTW, I'm not WRONG on this...of course, since it is opinion-based, neither are you. Hmmmmm, hate it when I have to admit that. :sign:

As for asking for references for the MANY people, it was in response to Neal's post for specifics. Neal asked for specifics, so I figured it was fair to do likewise. Speaking in generalities tends to dilute one's arguement. As for picking out the posts where you have corrected people's spelling, you and I both know it would be very long. I am just not going to take that much time with this.

George, I never said I wanted to be a FOG. I don't. I know what I know about cigars and learn more everyday. I try to pass it on when I have the chance. I try to meet and smoke with as many people on the board as I can. I try to participate and contribute. I don't want the gigantic, e-penis label of FOG associated with my name. :p I think I can speak for LC and say he does not want to be a FOG either. Hell, if it makes one turn out like MattR, why would ANYONE want to be a FOG. :laugh: I think you understand what I was getting at though. I was referring to the way he deals with others, the way he participates, and the way he trys to contribute and provide input. I think Patrick does a very good job of mentoring.

As for the 'winkie' comment...I just feel that it is a sign of self-righteous, know-it-all behavior. To me (note, I did not say anyone else, many, or a bunch of us :0 ), it comes off as very condescending. If you don't mean it that way, then very well, I was wrong.

Neal...not much I can say. You are fine form today. You might have been taking shots at me, but I was chuckling through the whole thing. I'll have to go re-read later.

Then there is MattR, Ginseng's root, and the tiara-wearing Okie. Good stuff guys. :laugh:

BTW, Bill, George, and Neal, I didn't post last night just for the sake of posting or to just take a shot. I actually did (and still do on some points) disagree with you. Well, that and you came after LC...he's my peeps. I think each of you would do the same. Anyway, I am going to disagree with you at times and you with me. That makes us all different people. All in all, this was pretty tame and civilized. I happen to believe that is how people should disagree. By all means, say what you mean, but do so in a civilized manner (Do you have any Grey Poupon?) :p Thanks for the good reading.

Oh, and Celt, I know it was Bill, but don't take up your time correcting people's spelling and grammar. There are much more important things to do on the board...

Good show all. :thumbs:
Oh what a crock of BS cigardawg. :laugh: This is not the first time you've taken things way too personally and you conclude that I was "coming after" your "peeps" as you put it which is a completely false statement. :laugh: Please go back and look at my first post in this thread. All I said was I disagreed with the author of this thread. I did not direct any slanderous comments or insults at your "peeps" nor did I attack him. If anything it was you who "came after" me and you weren't exactly "civilized" about it. Once again, you state your opinion like it was fact and when you do that, you're going to be told you're wrong. And for God's sake why to you insist on lamenting about how a list of me correcting people's spelling would be "long?" Who gives a rat's ass how long or short it is and how is that relevant to anything? If the list is long then all that means is a lot of people screw up the King's English around here, definitely more than they should.

In this post you even admit that "Speaking in generalities tends to dilute one's arguement" so since you seem smart enough to recognize that, don't you agree that your "peeps'" "topping" this thread was kind of a lame move to begin with since he didn't reference anything specific? You sure don't seem to see things very objectively.

I also absolutely cannot understand why you're so hung up on claiming ggiese is "condescending" when he uses some "winky" smilie. I don't take it that way at all and I would bet that many others around here don't either.
Have you seen my stapler!?!?

Just wondering, what do you mean by that? Is it a line from a movie or something? Sorry, I just don't get the joke.....

EDIT: OH WAIT, "Office Space" right? It's been a while since I've seen that movie and I can't remember much of it.