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2012 is coming - anyone preparing...?

I keep meaning to buy some buckshot. Maybe some game shot as well. I got a cheap kitana sword, axe, and machete (don't text) as well. Thanks to my hobby of camping/backpacking I have some good cooking/shelter gear as well. We have a bunch of water and some canned food as well. Also got a good amount of suds, cigars, and tobacco as well. Will miss the internet pr0n, though.

ETA: Only two sentences not ended with "as well". That's gotta be some kind of record.
Where is a good place to buy Civilian MRE's?
Any sporting good store (Big 5, Sport Chalet, Sports Authority, Dick's) should have backpackers meals if they carry any camping/backpacking equipment. You might also check in your local military surplus store.
Guys, I started to stock up on "heirloom" seeds for vegetables.... Simple things that get over looked, but you may have to grow your own foods. With no seeds, you are going to have to rely on hunting/fishing for your food, which is fine, but your using more ammo. Having a small box of many seed packs, you are sure to supplement some of your intake.

I also have " The Weekender" backpack from LLBean that is my "armageddon" bckpk. Inside, I have decked it out with two basic survival kits. Waterproof topography maps of N.East area for traveling. Compass. Plenty of nylon rope. Literature/charts of local biology/plants and their medical values. A ziplock bag of "strike anywhere" matches individually dipped in wax. A zippo, extra flints, and one bottle of fluid. Tent rolled up. Knifes w sharpening stone. One broken down fishing pole. Extra spool of line. Two ice fishing "tip ups". Hand held small hatchet. Small flat rate box of vegetable heirloom seeds. Water canteens. Pancho. and a few other odds and ends things.... I know it sounds ridiculous, but half the battle is being prepared and having a plan. Me and the Mrs. will be ready at the drop of a hat to get up and go if we need to.

Also, SALT! Read up on how to dry cure meats, and other food that you may have to keep around for a while. With the possibility of no electricity, getting thrifty with your food storage will come in handy. Just some "food" for thought...
"Carefully dry each seed to the precise level of allowable moisture which “locks in” hardiness and maintains extremely long shelf life. Then, each seed package is sealed in a special foil packet with a very expensive desiccant designed to keep seeds fresh for 20 years at 70 degrees. However, if you freeze your “seed bank” you could increase the shelf life by five times or more beyond that."

Check out www.survivalseedbank.com and give it a quick read. Interesting...
I just hope there aren't any zombies.............................................................................................I really hate zombies. ???
I am just gonna drive down to LA and take over Rod's house
I forgot to add I've been studying hard by watching lots of "Walking Dead"

Ditto Gonz, the wife and I have been doing the same thing.

Correct me if I am wrong but didn't the Mayans say that 2012 was the year for a planetary alignment in our solar system.
Is this like when they said the world would fall apart in 2000. And then it didn't.
I used to have a BOB and emergency kit for the house with food and water when we lived in Arkansas. Not to mention the firearms. However, we couldn't ship half of the stuff over with us, so I am sadly less-than-prepared for the coming zombiepocalypse or insurrection, or what have you. I've got a weighted cane, a pair of crutches, and a Ka-Bar.

Bring. It.
I think it's all a load of horse shat and if for some reason I'm wrong I hope it's quick.
I think its a load of crap too..... But it would be cool to kick some zombie azz. I am going to stock pile some can goods, gas and water. Just in case the shit hits the fan. Maybe I should buy a gun.
I think its a load of crap too..... But it would be cool to kick some zombie azz. I am going to stock pile some can goods, gas and water. Just in case the shit hits the fan. Maybe I should buy a gun.

I'm sitting on about 5500 rounds of 223 for the AR, about 5k in 22lr, and 6 or 7 hundred in 30-06 I'm ready!! Rp