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Big stink about Shuji

Ellman, Ellman, Ellman, You have done more then join a "stupid lottery". Don't be so modest, your a busy guy. You just happen to be the moderator of the Smokers Lounge section of the new site. Congradulations on being a member of the team over there. Way to go man!
Ellman said:
I dont think I have defended him once im to busy defending my self for joining a stupid lottery.
Your actions are your defense for him. That would be like me studding out one of my champion pit bulls to a breeder that has screwed over all my friends being on the internet or in person. Why support a thief? As far as this being the internet and "not your real life" get a clue. I consider many of these guys to be my real friends and they are real people. not just words popping up on the screen magically.
gibu said:
Ellman, Ellman, Ellman, You have done more then join a "stupid lottery". Don't be so modest, your a busy guy. You just happen to be the moderator of the Smokers Lounge section of the new site. Congradulations on being a member of the team over there. Way to go man!
Is that defending him? I have think that he screwed some people over and that was wrong.
So working with a thief is OK? Moving up to embezzlers next week?
Okay, I have a few things that I would like to say, and then I will go back to being banned.

I have been following the thread here since it was re-opened.

I would be pissed at me too.

You guys do not know everything that was going on with my life. It is not important for you to know it, because excuses should not be allowed. I wouldn't allow myself excuses either. Just like my wife, who left me while she was off her meds, I have to be held responsible for my actions no matter what was going on at the time those actions happened.

I'm cool with that - like I said, I'd be pissed at me too.

I would like to extend my apologies to everyone involved, and the whole of CigarPass. I have not stiffed anyone, nor do I intend to, but I have been unreasonably slow. And for that, you all have my deepest apologies.

Let me touch on a few things here:

1. My site - this site was an idea in my head for a long time. It was not even set up until after I had mailed everyone's sticks out on the 2nd. I have a piece of software called "Fantastico" on that server that makes setting up a forum take about three clicks. It took me an hour to set up, again *after* everything was mailed, so there is not nor should there be any 'How did he have time to do that?'

2. Now that I am sober and off the medications that the doctor gave me to help me deal with things, I realize how utterly horrible I was to those here, and to the community in general.

3. I owe the following people personal apologies, which I will extend here in public:

fllbrent: I cannot apologize enough for the fact that you do not have cash in your hand for your BTL's. The first two checks *did* go missing as a result of that little punk kid getting into my mailbox. But beyond that, it was my fault that you were not paid in a more timely manner.

Big100Hd: The shipment for those sticks took two weeks to get to me, but once they were here you should have gotten them immediately. I apologize that I did not get your sticks out to you more quickly.

statelandman: Your shipping was at first a misunderstanding between me and RainzEdge, the person you sent those sticks to. He originally said that he was sending you the postage money for those, and when I found out that he did not, I should have sent it out the same day instead of waiting. My deepest apologies.

CoventryCat86: I have sent you a PM on CigarStores (the easiest way I have of getting ahold of you right now) to go over shipping for those boxes, which I wasn't aware of until it was pointed out here. Unfortunately, I remembered that you had sent them as a gift, so my apologies there. I don't keep PMs in my box usually for very long, and that was pretty much all in PM. I'll get you taken care of when you respond to me.

Triple_D: Thank you for allowing me into your pass. Your deal with the KDT's is obviously the same as Big's, and for that I again apologize. For the pass, I offer no excuses, just the sincerest apology that I can offer, which unfortunately doesn't come through well in text. I can assure you that your sticks are on their way to the next person in the pass, and your KDTs are coming directly to you. I wish I could apologize more, but there is not much else to say.

All the people in Duane's pass: I am sorry that your pass was held up due to my personal issues. There is no excuse for that.

Big Slim Jr, and the others who stuck their necks out for me and feel jilted now: Thank you for your early support, and I am sorry that you all feel I have made heels of you. I have, though it was never intentional. If there were some way for me to make things up to you other than these words, I would in an instant.

Rod and the mods: You guys have a great board here. I always felt welcome until I ruined it for myself. My intent with CS was never to 'steal members' or to bash CP in any way. I have removed all references to CP from my initial post on my board, and I apologize that it was taken the wrong way. I have harmed this community enough with my lack of action on getting these things out in a timely manner. Keep up the great work, gentlemen.

I believe I have now fulfilled every mailing necessary on this site to 'catch up' for my shortcomings. Again, my apologies to everyone who has had to wait for their shipments. Those of you in my SuperBowl pool, I asked BigSlimJr yesterday to PM you your DC numbers. If you did not recieve them, please let me know, because I have them here.

As a further reparation to the community for my lack of speed and abundance of procrastination, I am going to be making a sizable donation to the CPI through Emo. I will find someone to post that DC here once I have it, which should be Tuesday.

Again, please understand that my intent here was never to be shady. It was never for any of this to happen. HOWEVER, it HAS happened. As I said before, I would be just as angry with someone else if I were in all of your shoes.

It is my hope that my post here is taken to heart for what it is - someone who realizes that they have done wrong, regardless of the reasons or the explanations, and is making an effort to acknowledge that.

Happy smokes to all of you, and the best of luck. Many of you I will never be able to speak with again, and for that I am more sorry than anything.
When you join a board like this you start with a clean slate from everyone that you write on with what you say and what you do. Everyone else gets to judge how they want to deal with you by looking at their slate on you - looking at your history and making a judgement call. Everyone has different standards and no one should give someone else crap for their standards. You just have to use your knowledge of their standards next time you have to judge how do deal with them. Therefore:

1. Everyone who wants to join Shuji's site has the right to if they make that judgement with the information they have about him. No one should give that person crap for it as it is that person's judgement call. All it can hurt is that person and sitting here giving them crap for their decision is pointless. If you are worried about the person then PM them and ask them what they are doing. If you don't care about the person then let them do what they want.

2. Everyone who sees someone join Shuji's site also has the right to take the information from that action into consideration when dealing with that person next time. That action can tell something about a person and they also shouldn't get crap for taking it into consideration.

3. You deserve to get crap from people when you don't take the knowledge available about people into consideration when you deal with them.
To be honest, with Shuji's post, I feel better about Shuji than I do about the people who joined his site. Those who joined Shuji's site did so even though it had appeared that Shuji stabbed our members in the back. After reading his post, I feel as though he is sincere; and I feel better about him. However, those who joined his site turned their backs on the CP members who had (seemingly) been cheated.
blair said:
To be honest, with Shuji's post, I feel better about Shuji than I do about the people who joined his site. Those who joined Shuji's site did so even though it had appeared that Shuji stabbed our member's in the back. After reading his post, I feel as though he is sincere; and I feel better about him. However, those who joined his site turned their backs on the CP members who had (seemingly) been cheated.
Those who joined my site for the most part knew much more about what was going on than anyone else - mainly because no one else really asked.

(As a side note, for those of you wondering how I am posting here, my account was not disabled, but my IP address at work was blocked from the site ... most likely this one will be too, but I will respond until I hear otherwise from a moderator)
It's NOT well done, this is February for pete sakes. And even then you seem to be asuming he has actually done all the things he says he has this time when he didn't actually do them all the times in the past.

I guess all is forgiven then.... :D

LMAO - yeah right :angry:

Everyone that was owed sticks/money - please post when it is received.

Ok I think 17 members looking at one thread may be a new record!

DaveWF, Ellman, gibu, TheBeast, gr8full2day, ivan37, Shuji, blair, ricmac25, Matt R, Triple_D, coventrycat86, SMOKOZUNA, SamGuss, nicko99, emodx, fllbrent
gibu said:
It's NOT well done, this is February for pete sakes. And even then you seem to be asuming he has actually done all the things he says he has this time when he didn't actually do them all the times in the past.
No, none of it was well done.

However, I felt the need to actually /apologize/ now that I can see clearly that something was wrong. I couldn't see that before, due to various things, but I am willing to take every bit of the responsibility that I deserve for this.

I do not ask you to assume that I sent anything; that would be ridiculous taken along with my inaction here. However, you will see in a day or so that I was truthful this time.
gibu said:
It's NOT well done, this is February for pete sakes. And even then you seem to be asuming he has actually done all the things he says he has this time when he didn't actually do them all the times in the past.
and that's true. I realized that before I posted. My post is assuming that what he says actually has been done. If so, he screwed people over. He admitted it - which is hard to do. Apologized and rectified it. If nothing has been done - well... of course my post is only valid contingent on the above.
DaveWF said:

I guess all is forgiven then.... :D

LMAO - yeah right :angry:

Everyone that was owed sticks/money - please post when it is received.

I am not asking that I be forgiven, Dave.

Quite the opposite, actually.

I just felt that those involved and the community as a whole deserved an apology, whether or not I deserve forgiveness.