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Could use some positive energy


Jul 14, 2005
Well, I've been scarce around the boards these past few months, but I'm still alive. After what seems like forever, I am finally defending my Ph.D. thesis in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology this coming Thursday! I have been spending most of my time writing up a couple of papers and then working on writing my thesis. I have done little else besides that since late September. I think I'll be okay, but could use some luck sent my way if you have any extra to give out. The nerves are starting to go away (calm before the storm maybe?) and I'm wanting to just get it over with now. Anyways, I plan to smoke something nice (regardless of whether I pass or not) on Thursday night, and hopefully find some more time to get back involved on CigarPass after that. Hope I didn't miss too much since I've been gone! Can't wait to start not only having the time, but being able to fully relax and enjoy my cigars again! Hopefully I'll be seeing more of you around the boards again soon!

Damn - we have some smart guys on this site. Good luck, but my guess, you won't need it.
Matt- You're going to do great! You've prepared for it so don't sweat it!
Positive, as requested, coming your way...do you feel it?

Chant after me:

Om tare ture tuttare ture soha

This chant will liberate oneself from fears.
I miss those classes. Never was into it as heavy as you but took those classes as part of my Bio major. Best of luck. Positive thoughts and energy is like the polymerase chain reaction...it just multiplies. Best of luck brother.
All the best, I know you'll do just fine. Hope you have a few special cigars picked out!
There's a saying from the movie Boiler Room I use frequently, it helps me before auditions and onstage and stuff, It goes, "Act as if..." basically if you act like your correct then you will be. I'm sure you'll do fine! best of luck and looking foward to seeing you back on the boards soon.

bchem --

hang in there man, the hardest part is over. the defense will be surprisingly uneventful since you know your material so well. your adviser and committee are on your side -- they have too much invested in you to see you hit any speedbumps. the worst i've ever seen are minor revisions, especially if your adviser has been with you all of the way -- think about it, some of your earliest post-doc publications will more than likely carry your advisers name as well. they are your advocate....

all the positive energy i can muster is heading your way.

take a deep breath, get that defense over with, and celebrate!
Positive, as requested, coming your way...do you feel it?


Oh Brian if only you had a nickel for every time you were asked that... :laugh: I kid!

Best of luck bchem!