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Dave must be an IDIOT pass

Chris and I couldn't get together over the weekend

so...Via Proxy - Chris put a pair-o-sticks in Dave's feedbag...

9 - Don Carlos #4
10 - Hemi Classic

Package is headed to the west coast
0300 6000 0000 3625 0225
Oh boy, there it goes to the "left" coast!!

Dave, I didn't really pee in every room, although, that's an idea if I want to run someone off though!


I love my wife even though she nags, nags, nags!

:sign: :sign: :sign:
Got home tonight and there was a humongous box on the dining room table. I have been looking through them and thinking about a few things. There are some in there for sure that I have never tried. So I will decide in a little while what I will do and post the takes puts then.
Now rhumor has it that the PO is closed for Good friday. Just so you know if it ends up staying here a day or two that is the reason. I will post in the morning advising everyone.

OK Im done.
First of all I consolidated the remaining sticks into 3 tuppers.
I took 8 plastic bags and made 4 humidifiers using some cedar and paper with solution. Each tupper now has one in it (double baged - if its dry ad some distilled water please.)

My first Put was 40 single cigar ziplock baggies. (smile dave)

#108 Feunte Opus X petete Lancero
#109 Sosa Beli
#110 AF Hemingway Work of Art Nat
#111 CAO Oddesey w/coffin
#112 ERDM Corona

Just for Dave
#11 Cohiba Siglo II w/box isom

#38 Cohiba DR Figadoro
#48 Camacho
#67 Cigar King - the band was pretty
#80 CAO Camaroon Toro
#89 Padron palmas nat
#94 boliva petite corona
#107 AVO #4
I grabbed one of the long un-numbered ones also.

I have it all ready and if the PO is open tomarrow it goes out.
I will post that in the morning (about 9:00 am pacific morning)

Thanks for having me in your pass dave - it's always fun giving you grief.
Holy Cigars, Batman - that's a lot of quality smokes! I don't care if you're proving a point or not, those were some great puts my friend!

That'll be the first Cohiba that I actually smoke - woo hoo!

Dave :D :cool: :thumbs: :thumbs: :cool: :D
confirmation # 0300 6000 0000 3625 0232
Ins # VA 322 080 635 US

Package away.
You enjoy that Cohiba, don't save it because Cigars are for smoking. (A friend told me this)
So By my calculation
Vern You HAve incoming.
Well. Dave's Take a bunch of _ cigars and put in some good ones Pass just arrived, Yup, It is a big box! After reading all of Daves rules again, all I could think is that he must need his medication adjusted, so I done my best.
My Takes:
#104 5 Vega toro
#3 5 Vega corona
#14 El Rico Habana
#16 Corona Torp.
#112 ERDM corona
#11 Mystery cigar
#22 Nicole Miller

My Puts:
#113 Cupido Torp.
#114 CAO Anni. Maddy
#115 Monticristo Torp.
#116 Indian Tabac Ch.
Plus a little something for the feed bag. ( I didn't see in the rules that I had to list that one LOL.)
I will send this out tomorrow, and post Conf.# after it is sent.
Thanks for letting me play Dave.
I was just going back and reading some of the puts. Dave, you gettin' a little anxious for this one to get home? Lut us know when you sponsor that herf... :thumbs:
Anxious? You have no idea! I've had to start wearing Depends because of my constant Pee Pee Dancing!

Seriously - I want to thank everyone for doing such an awesome job on this pass. I haven't been keep completely up to date with the inventory, but should have a completed inventory at least by the end of the pass, hopefully earlier.

Benjiev, looks like it's all up to you! You're the last one, then on to me. Let us know when you receive it.

Dave :thumbs:
Man send one to those depends my way. I can't wait till this puppy arrives. :p :D :p I will let you all know as soon as it hits my doorstep.
Oh Veeeerrrrnnnn? Has it been shipped yet?

Ok, you're right - I'm starting to get just a little anxious to get this baby home.

Well wouldn't you??

DAve :lookup:
Hi ho everyone.  I was just checking out Horse's pass, and I'm stealing an idea that he stole from Allofus - we're gonna have a end of pass contest...

The contest is open to participants in this pass only.  You may guess as often as you want, but only the last guess counts.  The first person to pick a number (and have it be their last guess) "owns" that number.  Until the "owner" guesses another number, any other guesses of the same number will be ignored.  All guesses should be publicly posted to this board.  Private messages & emails will be ignored.  If someone guesses a number, and then you try to guess is as well, your guess will be ignored - it's up to YOU to make sure no one has guessed your number.  Yeah, I know it's a lot of work, but imagine how much work it would be for me to double check everyone's numbers everytime someone makes a guess.  If I'm up to it, I'll try and post updates showing everyone's current guess.
If I'm feeling giving (and you all know how giving I am) I may post some clues over these next few days...
Sorry if this seems confusing - if there are questions (and I'm sure there will be), I'll try and answer them promptly.
Alrighty, everyone ready??

Keeping in spirit with Horse's question (i.e. number of computers)....
How many computers have I owned in my lifetime?
FYI, a major upgrade (processor, case, or motherboard) counts as another computer
Contest is closed after the pass is in my hands, and I post to the board (shouldn't be more then a 30 second delay between the two!)

Good luck & happy guessing everyone,

BTW, I suppose you all want to know what you're guessing for...  the winner will get a serious bomb from me.  You all know the purpose of this pass was for me to unload some of my bulk, so here's my chance to do it some more.  Let me specify here, the cigars in this pass will NOT be included in the bomb - I've got plenty more, don't worry.  The  cigars in the bomb will simply be me going through the coolers and grabbing handfuls of what I have multiples of.  It will come in at least two large ziplock bags.  One for wrapped stogies, one for naked smokes.  You'll get dog rockets, you'll get premiums, you'll get everything in between, just be assured, you'll get a LOT of cigars! :thumbs:
Ok everyone, since we had our first guess (thanks Horse! ), I guess it's time for the first clue...

My first computer, back in 7th grade was a Radio Shack Color Computer with a whopping 4 Kb ram, but I convinced my mom to buy the, then very expensive, 16 kb upgrade cartridge so I had a HUGE 20 Kb of RAM.  Back in those days, I hadn't even heard of a disk drive, I saved and loaded programs with a special cable that hooked into a regular cassete recorder.

There you go... good luck!
Dave :D
Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy - it's getting cloooossseeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr

You can't tell I'm excited, can you?

Dave :D