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It's about time.... Contest Inside!

Tall Paul

"insecure little bitch"
May 11, 2011
Well this July it has been 4 years My wife and I have lived at our house and with many remodeling project that took place there is one I have been pushing off due to cost and well back breaking work. This weekend we decided to finally replace the walkway that leads from our driveway to the front steps (well into the side of them for that matter). See when we bought our house the 2 main things that sold us on it was the features of the master bedroom and the large farmers porch and deck attached. However when the previous owner had the Porch put on the house he failed to replace the walk way which now that the porch is on the house the walkway leads directly into the side of the steps on the house.  The water is the winter drips onto the walkway and freezes making it a nice ice rink. So it has lots of flaws and its commented on regularly in a negative or joking matter To make up for the lack of walkway at the bottom of the steps he built a landing out of leftover decking materials that has slowly rotted away the last few years and is now an insurance claim waiting to happen. So the project begins. All the materials were dropped off last night and I began shoveling up the old walkway. With the warm temps Monday and Tuesday the asphalt actually came up fairly easy. 
Guess how many brick pavers it is going to take to make up the new walkway. Closest guess with out going over wins. Need to be an active member in good standing at least 4 months. One guess per member per day until the project is complete. Winner will receive a 5er of cigars.
Only 2 hints:
1. Brick sizes 5.5" X 5.5" and 8.5" X 5.5"
2. The walkway is moving to the left so it runs in front of the steps back to the same point on the driveway. 
Day 1







Lots more to come!
You want our guess's here? and we are allowed to guess once every day? or only 1 guess per user?
extremeXconcepts said:
You want our guess's here? and we are allowed to guess once every day? or only 1 guess per user?
Yes guess here and yes one guess per member per day! You can guess everyday but only once a day!
WOW thats allot for you to keep track of.
How long do you think it will take you to complete? When I was doing this for a living I think that would take us 2 guys after stone dust prep work only a day or 2 max. Are you doing it your self?
extremeXconcepts said:
WOW thats allot for you to keep track of.
How long do you think it will take you to complete? When I was doing this for a living I think that would take us 2 guys after stone dust prep work only a day or 2 max. Are you doing it your self?
Yes my wife and I. I think it will take a couple weeks if I push hard after work everyday and weekends. My dead line is 6 weeks since I have 40+ people showing up to my house for a bachelor party!
My first guess will be ------ 280 
using 5.5 and mixing them with 8.5 im trying to include some waste because there is always waste on projects like this.
are you asking how many actual pavers will be ON THE FINISHED walk way or how many you actually use to complete the project.
Hey Tall Paul, for your next contest make sure you disqualify noobs if they ask too many frigging questions, or their posts require an english translation....