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"Operation: Just Cause" Pass

Big100HD said:
here we go again..... :rolleyes:

hmmmmm whatever could that mean :whistling:

On the lookout and I'll post when it arrives :thumbs:

almost makes you wish someone was monitoring the pass for proper puts/takes ;)
BrownDevil said:
Big100HD said:
here we go again..... :rolleyes:

hmmmmm whatever could that mean :whistling:

Not intended at you Rob,

but don't you notice something fishy about the last puts & takes?

eleuthardt said:
A Fuente BTL
Padron Millennium

Davidoff Millennium Blend Robusto
Diamond Crown Pyramid Maduro
Up in Smoke Toro

I hate to be the bearer of bad news....But it seems private PM's are not working....

eleuthardt You have not responded to at least 3 PM's from people...including myself before you shipped that package.

You went ahead and shipped it and ignored us. Do you really think you are going to get away with it without anyone noticing? I've had my turn already, in this pass, saw that "Padron Millennium" - tried my best to find something in my collection to get it.

The Padron is a true millenium cigar. No longer made. extinct....RARE comes to mind....Value? A whole lot more than MSRP. Same goes for the BTL, still made, but only released ONCE per year.

What makes you think a "Davidoff Millennium Blend Robusto" or a "Diamond Crown Pyramid Maduro" is "EQUAL"? Both of these cigars are still produced and although the MSRP may be somewhat equal, NO WAY does it match in rarity.

Bottom Line....Your Put's and Takes are so far off you must be looking out of your ass when you walk. I wouldn't feel this way or say this but, it's clear your ignoring every attempt to rectify this in a civil manor.

You were asked NOT to ship the package out on Sunday night. At least 3 times. Now it's time for you to answer up!!!!!

Unfortunately, Our Host Alosttexan, let you in the pass. Your ignoring him too. With some mistakes made by him earlier in the pass, by letting things slide and burning some bridges has caused this kind of thing to escalate.

Some look at it as sweet revenge....maybe. We've all had time for a snicker or two. But, does it help the overall board? Not hardly. If this is allowed to slide....I feel it's the begining of the end of future cigar passes.

If I'm way off on my perception of this please let me know....won't be the first time I'm wrong.

****edited to add******

Up in smoke????what is that a play on words?

Up In Smoke
6 x 50 - Natural - Bundle of 25
Price: $36.00

Is this what we're calling adding something to a pass?
I used the "Message Tracker" function of CP, and so far, Eluthardt hasn't 'received' the last PM sent to him by myself, which makes me wonder if he has totally left CP :( . I really don't know the situation right now.

I know that we all screw up in a pass or two, hell, I screwed up royally earlier this year in a pass and was reamed for it, but I did try to make good on it as best I could. I understand that Eric might have mistaken the cigars that he took for something out. But, all he has to do is discuss this with myself, or any of the guys that have sent him a PM. So far he hasn't, and only responded to my PM's with a piss-poor attitude.

Eluthardt, you are burning most of your bridges, and it doesn't have to be that way.

Now, for the earlier P/T's in the past, that is pretty much a done deal, and I still don't feel that they were that bad, and I was supported by others on the board that agreed. But, the P/T's that time were completely different than these. And, if nothing else, those guys stuck around and responded and debated their cause. That means alot to me.

I guess we will just have to wait to see how this plays out...

I've been concerned with what I see at worst- bad pass conduct and at a minimum-sloppy manners on the part of those in passes. I wonder at times if people don't read the rules about notifying others when the pass arrives, posting a DC #, and other things like that. :whistling: To me, conducting puts and takes without letting others know is perhaps the worst thing you could do in a pass next to stealing the cigars, though it looks a whole lot like it, now doesn't it? :whistling: I hope eleuthardt makes up for this, very poor pass behavior!. :angry2: The host definitely deserves more respect and does not need to be jerked around like this by those who volunteered to be in the pass in the first place.
eleuthardt said:
cigarsarge said:
I keyed in the tracking number and it has been delivered. ;)

I returned from a business trip on Thursday, and what did I find but a box of goodies.

A Fuente BTL
Padron Millennium

Davidoff Millennium Blend Robusto
Diamond Crown Pyramid Maduro
Up in Smoke Toro

Will ship tomorrow.

:0 You have got to be kidding me eleuthardt! Might want to PM the host on this one! ;)
eleuthardt knows he lied and deceived on this pass. He hasn't even shown his face to discuss the situation... just shipped the box off and hoped no one would notice. Wrong. We see everything, newbie.
ALostTexan said:
I know that we all screw up in a pass or two, hell, I screwed up royally earlier this year in a pass and was reamed for it, but I did try to make good on it as best I could.

Just a minor correction here -- you did not get reamed for the mistake you made in that pass. I contacted you privately, said I'm sure it was a mistake, etc., and everything worked itself out without a problem. No one that I'm aware of flamed you about it at all, and I don't think anyone was upset with you. Honest mistakes happen.

This issue, however, appears to not be an honest mistake. Good luck in resolving it.
My only day to sleep in, and the UPS guy not only knocked for 2-3 minutes while I was contemplating staying in bed, but then the joker starts rapping on the window :angry2:

Oh well, if it wasn't for the fact he had the pass in his hand he would have got bitched at. So anyway gents, the pass has landed. I'll be posting later this evening.
Robert :thumbs:
BrownDevil said:
...the UPS guy not only knocked for 2-3 minutes...but then the joker starts rapping on the window

That's dedication....Thank you "buster brown"

Just think, the post man would have just left you a note. You would have woke up, found the note and probably to late to get the package from the PO today.

Now you have all day to play with your new toys.... :D Have fun....
Gone for four days and i come back to find eleuthardt has been up to no good. :angry: Eric you need to come clean on this. This is not cool.
wasch_24 said:
Damn, eleuthardt...stop f'ing around! Your giving us newbs a bad name, a**!
In no way. Everyone gets the name they deserve. Usually. (Just poking my nose in and trying to learn a little more about passes so's I don't make some of the same mistakes :D Sadly this doesn't look like a mistake :( )
***Edited for clarity***
Preliminary P/Ts


Fuente 8-5-8
Acid Blondie (mixed in with the the bag)
Puros Indios Torpedo #3

Padron 1926 #2
Cohiba Siglo IV (ISOM)
Davidoff Mill. Robusto

I'm sure there won't be any objections, but in case there are, speak now cuz the pass is leaving in 5 minutes :p
I just received the following PM:

"Hi Robert, my name is Brian and have been at CP for some time now. Do yourself a favor and hold the pass until you speak with ALost Texan about your PUTS/TAKES. Anyway, nice to meet you."

Sorry guys, I was just trying to lighten the mood a bit with all the drama surrounding a couple of the ongoing passes.
I'll post the real P/Ts tonight allowing all our brothers to give opinions, yays, or nays.
Robert :thumbs: