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Responsibility of the FOG's.

I tend to ignore long posts that are written badly. I hate seiing misspelled words, bad grammar and people who write posts as if they are in a chat room. For goodnes sakes, if you can't take the time to hit the <Shift> key or double read your post to check for spelling mistakes, then just stop posting.

For those of you who care: Who here does not double check their posts for spelling mistakes and simple grammatical errors prior to hitting the <Add Reply> button? Do you care more because of CC? I sure as hell do and I appreciate it when people make the effort to do so. Nothing is more annoying than trying to decipher what a person is trying to say because of spelling and grammatical errors. Especially when you know that it was because they just simply don't care.

By the way "ignorance" has nothing to do with the "ability to learn" and everything to do with the "desire to learn". Ignorance is a choice.


*Please notice that I capitalized this time for you.

Incredible. :rolleyes: Correcting grammar and spelling IS "mentoring" LC-Smoker whether you want to believe it or not and it is indeed vey similar to correcting ANY error or mistake that anyone posts.
Sometimes it isn't the message as much as the way the message is presented. I have a great mom, and when I was being a snot nossed kid I remember her saying "It isn't always what you say but how you say it." And no, I am not saying you are a snot-nosed kid, but I am saying that sometimes the way this critique is presented comes off as petty.
I really like Neal's last couple of lines - "ignorance" has nothing to do with the "ability to learn" and everything to do with the "desire to learn". Ignorance is a choice.
This is worth repeating for all parties. :thumbs:

Main Entry: men·tor
Pronunciation: 'men-"tor, -t&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, from Greek MentOr
1 capitalized : a friend of Odysseus entrusted with the education of Odysseus' son Telemachus
2 a : a trusted counselor or guide b : TUTOR, COACH
- men·tor·ship /-"ship/ noun

By the second definition, to be a mentor one must be trusted. Whether appointed by a group or by one's self, if a member doesn't trust the appointee it won't matter what s/he tries to offer for guidance; it will fall on deaf ears. However, one can lead by example and be a mentor to those willing to learn.

Example of a guy stuck in the middle, who is actually an FOG. :)

Harris, I agree with everything you say, but you know as well as I, there are still those people who live to hear themselves talk, or type in this instance. :)
I've said this so many times, but it always bears repeating: Respect is a two way street. Treat each other as you would like to treated yourself. This applies to EVERYONE, not just the new guys. Great friends can be made here, don't blow it for each other.
:thumbs: :thumbs:
Patrick - I think YOU overwhelmingly and mindlessly accepted what was in that thread. Good for you! :thumbs:

...but I think the reality of it is everyone took their own interpretation out of this thread.

...and as far as you not knowing topping this thread would start a shitstorm? Do you REALLY believe that, or are you that ignorant... I don't think you're that ignorant, but maybe I'm giving you more credit than is due... ;)

Ooops - Scot doesn't like me using "winkie's" - I'll have to get Rod's permission to up my quota for the day... :whistling:

To be quite honest George, I stopped respecting and listening to you long ago. If you would like to keep typing and putting winky-faces everywhere, you have fun with that.
Mentors = Bad idea
Unfortunately what ruins it is when certain members take it to the next level.
There is no reason to bash newbies, just point out their errors. There is no need to take shots at members who do not agree with you.

Just point out the PROBLEM, without the extra comments/innuendos and move on to the next topic.
Which newbie(s) is gettin' bashed?
Which member(s) is bashin' 'em?
Who's the dirty rat bastid anyway?
Which newbie(s) in the past got bashed?
Who are you defending?
Where is the link to said bash down?

Without specifics I gotta figure yer just making shiz up to make a point cause I don't remember any newbs getting bashed.


Patrick - I think YOU overwhelmingly and mindlessly accepted what was in that thread. Good for you! :thumbs:

...but I think the reality of it is everyone took their own interpretation out of this thread.

...and as far as you not knowing topping this thread would start a shitstorm? Do you REALLY believe that, or are you that ignorant... I don't think you're that ignorant, but maybe I'm giving you more credit than is due... ;)

Ooops - Scot doesn't like me using "winkie's" - I'll have to get Rod's permission to up my quota for the day... :whistling:

To be quite honest George, I stopped respecting and listening to you long ago. If you would like to keep typing and putting winky-faces everywhere, you have fun with that.
See? That's just being hateful. Shame on you.

I tend to ignore long posts that are written badly. I hate seiing misspelled words, bad grammar and people who write posts as if they are in a chat room. For goodnes sakes, if you can't take the time to hit the <Shift> key or double read your post to check for spelling mistakes, then just stop posting.

For those of you who care: Who here does not double check their posts for spelling mistakes and simple grammatical errors prior to hitting the <Add Reply> button? Do you care more because of CC? I sure as hell do and I appreciate it when people make the effort to do so. Nothing is more annoying than trying to decipher what a person is trying to say because of spelling and grammatical errors. Especially when you know that it was because they just simply don't care.

By the way "ignorance" has nothing to do with the "ability to learn" and everything to do with the "desire to learn". Ignorance is a choice.


*Please notice that I capitalized this time for you.


ROTFLOL...Hook, line, and sinker. For some reason I knew it was going to be you. Thankfully, you capitalized or I might have missed your post.
Celt is correct. In that context, "thin-skinned" is a hyphenated adjective, modifying something else (babies). Neither of the words stand on their own to modify "babies" with that meaning; they are not thin babies or skinned babies (gross). As a result, it gets a hyphen. If it were not modifying something, it would be used without a hyphen. Although I can't think of a context in which "thin skinned" wouldn't be modifying something else.


No cigardawg your are dead wrong, it is NOT "petty" it's a matter of correcting someone who is posting something that is blatantly wrong. By the same token, if someone posts blatantly wrong information like saying "Padron 1926 Anniversary" are you saying that I'm being "petty" when I point that out too? How about if someone says that "All Padron cigars are made from Honduran tobacco and are manufactured in Honduras" are you saying no one should point out the fact he's wrong for fear of hurting his feelings?Only thin skinned babies who simply cannot take constructive criticsm call this being "petty." Most reasonable people APPRECIATE someone pointing them in the right direction because they become a better person for it in the long run.

You are also exaggerating when you say I "constantly" engage in this. When you grossly exagerate, your argument loses all credibility.

Sorry cigardawg but there's no way I can cite specifically who when I say "Many" because these conversations have been over the past three years, much longer than you've been here and MANY of them were during conversations in person, on the telephone and in PMs. The PMs have been deleted. So no, I can't offer you any proof, you're just going to have to take my word for it.

You certainlly do whine a lot don't you?

your should be you





i won't go into the lack of commas....
ROTFLOL...Hook, line, and sinker. For some reason I knew it was going to be you. Thankfully, you capitalized or I might have missed your post.

glad it was a joke.

it WAS too ironic and juicy to be real,

but i couldn't just let it go.

i generally don't make a big deal out of people correcting others unless they do it all the time - all the while making loads of mistakes themselves.

we ALL make mistakes.

*edited to add quote, as JimK posted before my intended target.
Celt is correct. In that context, "thin-skinned" is a hyphenated adjective, modifying something else (babies). Neither of the words stand on their own to modify "babies" with that meaning; they are not thin babies or skinned babies (gross). As a result, it gets a hyphen. If it were not modifying something, it would be used without a hyphen. Although I can't think of a context in which "thin skinned" wouldn't be modifying something else.

Nice! I have been wondering how figure that out for awhile. I'm sure I was taught in grade school, but I couldn't remember. Thanks. :thumbs:
Celt is correct. In that context, "thin-skinned" is a hyphenated adjective, modifying something else (babies). Neither of the words stand on their own to modify "babies" with that meaning; they are not thin babies or skinned babies (gross). As a result, it gets a hyphen. If it were not modifying something, it would be used without a hyphen. Although I can't think of a context in which "thin skinned" wouldn't be modifying something else.


Thanks Jim, it was one of those situation where I had seen it wrong so many times that I figured that was the proper way to write it which it why I think it's important for people to write and spell correctly because when a significant number of people continually do it wrong it almost becomes an accepted practice, kind of like not using capital letters. :laugh:

Once again, I thank you for your research and explanation on this, I learned something today, I was obviously wrong. Unlike you, I can admit I made a mistake, I'm still waiting for a response from you though however.....
Celt is correct. In that context, "thin-skinned" is a hyphenated adjective, modifying something else (babies). Neither of the words stand on their own to modify "babies" with that meaning; they are not thin babies or skinned babies (gross). As a result, it gets a hyphen. If it were not modifying something, it would be used without a hyphen. Although I can't think of a context in which "thin skinned" wouldn't be modifying something else.

You're just being petty now.

Celt is correct. In that context, "thin-skinned" is a hyphenated adjective, modifying something else (babies). Neither of the words stand on their own to modify "babies" with that meaning; they are not thin babies or skinned babies (gross). As a result, it gets a hyphen. If it were not modifying something, it would be used without a hyphen. Although I can't think of a context in which "thin skinned" wouldn't be modifying something else.


Thanks Jim, it was one of those situation where I had seen it wrong so many times that I figured that was the proper way to write it which it why I think it's important for people to write and spell correctly because when a significant number of people continually do it wrong it almost becomes an accepted practice, kind of like not using capital letters. :laugh:

Once again, I thank you for your research and explanation on this, I learned something today.

Celt is correct. In that context, "thin-skinned" is a hyphenated adjective, modifying something else (babies). Neither of the words stand on their own to modify "babies" with that meaning; they are not thin babies or skinned babies (gross). As a result, it gets a hyphen. If it were not modifying something, it would be used without a hyphen. Although I can't think of a context in which "thin skinned" wouldn't be modifying something else.

You're just being petty now.


I was feeling left out! :D

Show me the animosity toward newbies pal.

Neal, it's not hard to be specific on these things, it's just time consuming. Here are just a few of your more recent posts that show animosity towards newer members:








I could have cited more, but there’s no reason for it. Your schtick is that of a crotchety, caustic old sumbitch who's not going to change. And that’s fine – many of us enjoy your routine. But don't try to disguise the truth by asking folks to quote proof or cite "specifics". They are out there for anyone who cares to look.
Hey Jim K, can you too admit you made a mistake?

You've ignored repeated requests to correct your error yet you seem to have no problem coming in here and pointing out my shortcomings which is fine but you've got yours too. ;)

Show me the animosity toward newbies pal.

Neal, it's not hard to be specific on these things, it's just time consuming. Here are just a few of your more recent posts that show animosity towards newer members:








I could have cited more, but there’s no reason for it. Your schtick is that of a crotchety, caustic old sumbitch who's not going to change. And that’s fine – many of us enjoy your routine. But don't try to disguise the truth by asking folks to quote proof or cite "specifics". They are out there for anyone who cares to look.

Steve, none of these show "animosity" towards new members. All the ones you referenced are responses to people, newer members and others who have been here for a while who were out of line, kinda like you are here.
Steve, none of these show "animosity" towards new members. All the ones you referenced are responses to people, newer members and others who have been here for a while who were out of line, kinda like you are here.

Your not making any sense. Perhaps more reading and less typing is in order. ;)
Perhaps more reading and less typing is in order. ;)

Perhaps more pulling on my thin-skinned, man-milk filled, throbbing meat missile, instead of pointing out the spelling mistakes that are, more often than not, typos, as opposed to errors in spelling.

Or, maybe your lazy, dipsh*t headed, fuzznuts could get a job, instead spouting off at the keyboard everytime your Jockey briefs get sideways in your Wranglers. :love:

Aside from myself, who should be given the utmost of respect, Harris (The Master) and Neal(samclemmons) are about the only people who have the online cigar forum experience to make comments to this thread. Most of the rest of you are just fodder for our amusement. ;)
Show me the animosity toward newbies pal.

Neal, it's not hard to be specific on these things, it's just time consuming. Here are just a few of your more recent posts that show animosity towards newer members:








I could have cited more, but there’s no reason for it. Your schtick is that of a crotchety, caustic old sumbitch who's not going to change. And that’s fine – many of us enjoy your routine. But don't try to disguise the truth by asking folks to quote proof or cite "specifics". They are out there for anyone who cares to look.
Me? I'm the rat bastid? Oh the shame.
Come on shawk. Jeff1101 dearly deserved to be brought up short. smurfy is like a moth to a flame.
I didn't see a single unprovoked response. Four of those can't even be considered bashing. I'm not above admitting I was wrong but you haven't cited an instance where I was. I guess it's much more time consuming than you thought. You got nothing. be my guest to keep looking.


Steve, none of these show "animosity" towards new members. All the ones you referenced are responses to people, newer members and others who have been here for a while who were out of line, kinda like you are here.

Your not making any sense. Perhaps more reading and less typing is in order. ;)
You need to start readin' slower or sunthin' kilty. Your grasp of simply stated ideas has been increasing of late. Perhaps a nice cup of ginseng tea... (the root not the guy). I'll be happy to dig you a little come fall.
