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Vendor banned

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Staff member
Jan 4, 2001
CP has always been about creating a friendly community of passionate cigar smokers. We do not exist as a platform for vendors to come here and get rich. The vendors who post at CP generally support this community in some way, typically by offering really good deals on products. When I find out a vendor is playing dirty, and tries to get other vendors in trouble by reporting their sales to the manufacturers, not only do I find that appalling, but down right wrong. It has come to my attention through irrefutable evidence that one of our newer vendors (who signed up recently) has reported several of our trusted members/vendors to the cigar manufacturers. He stated that certain members/vendors here are selling cigars below the allowed advertised price set by the manufacturers; possibly causing the vendors in question to lose these very important accounts!

mrpunch of newhavanacigars.com is the vendor who has reported several of our long term/distinguished/trusted vendors to the manufacturers. mrpunch recently signed up at CP, and has used our site for personal gain, and has gone way overboard by playing so dirty. To come here and expect to have all of the limelight right off the bat, and to step on the other vendors' heads the way he has is uncalled for. We do not need this type of membership at CP. mrpunch has been banned from CP.

Good, I was waiting to see when he'd be banned. Good on you Rod :thumbs:
Thanks Rod!

This guy has no business here, or anywhere else those of us who see the enjoyment of cigars as more than just a habit gather!
Good job Rod :thumbs:
Thanks Rod, much appreciated. :thumbs:
Thanks for taking care of business. I hope all the guys who are local to him don't take their business there!
Thanks Rod! Thanks for protecting us and the vendors who look out for things other than just their bottom line. :thumbs:
Awesome, thanks Rod. No one needs a vendor like that.
Great job, Rod! Thanks for looking out for this great community.

On another note, looks like we have another candidate for asshat of the year.
Thank you, Rod. We don't need vendors like that amongst the great folks that post here.

We have several quality vendors that treat CP members very fairly and guys like mrpunch don't belong in that category. Good riddance to bad rubbish, as the saying goes.

Thanks again - B.B.S.
Bravo Rod, job well done. Slimebags like mrpunch are definitely the minority and deserve to be run out on a rail. :thumbs:
And I was hoping Dan would get back to me with some of those GREAT deals!!!


...er...Nevermind... :(

Yowza!! Rod...way to go!

You have some nice prices. I hope you don't get caught and ratted on like Puffstuff. I would hate to see someone rat on a decent and respectable member like you've been in your short stay here.

I couldn't imagine the damage someone could do if they reported a small operation like yours. Don't you worry about conducting sales when there's a rat amongst us? ???

Did I miss something? I've got some reading to do ...

Man what a POS.. To answer your question Dan, yeah, you missed something.
Harrummphhh. Com upin's were served. I sincerely hope no vendors lost accounts. I would hope for a warning of some type.

Thanks for the service Rod and trusted vendors!!
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