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Well guys I'm going in for surgery tomorrow

Good luck lumberg!!

Just tell them to make sure you DO NOT want them cutting any tubes you may need later!! :D

I'll smoke a nice Havana while I think about you and I'll look done in the bottom of my coolerdor for some nice Cuban Sandwiches, El Creditos and some backwoods smokes for ya ;)
Best wishes for a uneventfull exploration. Hope they don't find anything that isn't supposed to be there. Please, no pictures. :p
Now that my screen has stopped looking blurry, I can catch up on things.

And this is one I wish I'd been able to do a lot sooner!! Hope everything went well, and you got the results you hoped for!

Hope you have a speedy recovery!! :D :thumbs:
My thoughts, prayers and best wishes for a speedy recovery and positive outcome!



Heres to a smooth surgery and a speedy recovery ;) Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

BenjieV :D
Good Luck and God Bless Lumberg! At least you can smoke as you recover. I can't have a stick for eight weeks following my surgery. I am on week six and I am going nuts. But don't worry, I got a good one set aside and I will smoke it for both of us!!!

Good luck and best wishes for good news and a quick recovery!!!
PhatAsh said:
Good Luck and God Bless Lumberg! At least you can smoke as you recover. I can't have a stick for eight weeks following my surgery. I am on week six and I am going nuts. But don't worry, I got a good one set aside and I will smoke it for both of us!!!

Good luck and best wishes for good news and a quick recovery!!!
I'll smoke one for you during my recovery as well bruddah!
You will be in my thoughts. If you have pain afterwards make sure the nurses and Drs. treat you for it. If you hurt to much you won't move much. If you don't move much it takes that much longer to get up and get going.

hey guys recovery is going well, if you notice all my posts are in lower case cos i can only use one hand and also typed atrociously.

my throat hurta from the dmn breathin gt tube they had down my hroat so i don't much feel like smokin gbut overall i'm doing wel,, thnks for the thoughts and pray=ers guys you all are quickly becoming very special to me :)
Glad to see you back. Take it easy and don't rush smoking. You will know when you are ready. :D
Lums bro, that is good to hear. I am glad you are back and you will stay in my prayers till you are 100%

Get better quick bro
damn i musta been pretty f'ed up when I typed that! i coulda sworn i typed it perfectly!
Who cares how you type, just as long as your back. Glad to hear recovery is going well.