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Herfin' with Pete Johnson at Tobacco Road in DFW

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Here's my question, why post on a thread like this if you're just bashing the event? I understand the disgust for Pete, but why bash someone for trying to provide a service for their customers? If you don't like Pete, that's fine, but don't hate the people that do, or try to convince people not to attend something that someone else has worked hard to put together. I know I'm going to hear that nobody said that, but it was the connotation. If you don't like an event, don't post on it. There's no reasons to come in and take a dump on someone else's cornflakes.

I just want you guys to realize that Jim had done alot for the local CP community. He was a silent member on CP. He read alot, but didn't post much. Just because someone doesn't live in your city or go to your shop doesn't mean they are not valuable members of a community.

Jim has done nothing but open his arms wide to the DFW CP guys, and I can imagine how he felt when someone, in his opinion, attacked his hard work. I know alot of members who would have acted the same of worse if put in his situation. Does it make it right? No, but does it mean he should be banned?

Post count doesn't mean someone's valuable or not valuable, look at the people they affect, the people they influence, the people that value them. That's a better judge than a number!
Very well said jay! :thumbs:
Here's my question, why post on a thread like this if you're just bashing the event? I understand the disgust for Pete, but why bash someone for trying to provide a service for their customers? If you don't like Pete, that's fine, but don't hate the people that do, or try to convince people not to attend something that someone else has worked hard to put together. I know I'm going to hear that nobody said that, but it was the connotation. If you don't like an event, don't post on it. There's no reasons to come in and take a dump on someone else's cornflakes.

I just want you guys to realize that Jim had done alot for the local CP community. He was a silent member on CP. He read alot, but didn't post much. Just because someone doesn't live in your city or go to your shop doesn't mean they are not valuable members of a community.

Jim has done nothing but open his arms wide to the DFW CP guys, and I can imagine how he felt when someone, in his opinion, attacked his hard work. I know alot of members who would have acted the same of worse if put in his situation. Does it make it right? No, but does it mean he should be banned?

Post count doesn't mean someone's valuable or not valuable, look at the people they affect, the people they influence, the people that value them. That's a better judge than a number!
Very well said jay! :thumbs:

You guys just don't 'get it'. This progressed PAST the herf. No one was bashing the herf... some said good luck with it. What WAS said, was that Doc asked if a number of us on CP weren't still boycotting Pete and his cigars and it degraded QUICKLY with Harpu telling Doc to 'Eat $hit and Die'. That is what this is about, THAT is why he is banned. He can do all the good for the local guys, and for CP.... but you cross the line and you'll get your walking papers. Harpu showed little of the good he does with his attitude in this thread. I know nothing of the guy - I have had no interaction or dealings with him. But by what I saw in his few posts in this thread I would not care to deal with him in any way, shape or form. Or attend this event. As I said before, best of luck with the event

If he read a lot on CP, then why did he not heed the rules and NOT make that comment to Doc? If he read a lot, he would be aware of the threads dealing with Pete and his cigars, and know that some here would ask about it. Yet he instantly jumped in with attitude and made no effort to handle it with class.

That's who you are defending, and I fully agree with the ban. A personal attack is totally unwarranted, is childish IMO and has resulted in bans before, and hopefully will result in bas in the future. CP is better than that, as we're not all in the 6th grade. If he's putting this event on (I have no idea if he is the one setting it up, just advertising it, so on...) he better handle things better if he wants it to be a success.

EDIT to add:
I just re-read altercalls post. This really sets ill with me:
Just because someone doesn't live in your city or go to your shop doesn't mean they are not valuable members of a community.
Why would you even say that? that's about the dumbest thing I've read in awhile. So by that logic, there are only 3 valuable members in my mind, since there are only 3 local members of CP? C'Mon! That is asinine. This board is made up of people from all walks of life, in all areas of the world. Being local has NOTHING to do with it. NOTHING.
I am not saying that resorting to calling Doc names was right. But haven't we all made mistakes on here? Nobody is perfect. Some people on here don't like Pete. That has been expressed MANY times. Can we please leave what we already know alone, and just let this thread be? Instead of running his thread down, just leave it be if you don't like Pete.
We all make mistakes but we are not all Dicks! It's admirable of you to stand up for your friend but you are painting yourself with the same brush by condoning his actions with your backing. Besides anything else, he insulted Doc and did not apologize, enough said.

Harpu has been banned. Obviously he doesn't care about being a member of this community.
Rod, you had no option on this one, he was given the rope and chose to hang himself.

I know everyone has someone on here that they consider a close friend. But, we all need to take a close look at what is being done or said before we rush to someones defense. If something stinks we need to call it like it is, friend or not.

I consider the likes of Jonesy and Cigarstone very close friends. If either of them had done what Harpu did last night.... I would have been the first to let them know via PM they were way out of line, and apologies were owed to all.
I would expect them to do the same to me as well.
You guys just don't 'get it'. This progressed PAST the herf. No one was bashing the herf... some said good luck with it. What WAS said, was that Doc asked if a number of us on CP weren't still boycotting Pete and his cigars and it degraded QUICKLY with Harpu telling Doc to 'Eat $hit and Die'. That is what this is about, THAT is why he is banned. He can do all the good for the local guys, and for CP.... but you cross the line and you'll get your walking papers. Harpu showed little of the good he does with his attitude in this thread. I know nothing of the guy - I have had no interaction or dealings with him. But by what I saw in his few posts in this thread I would not care to deal with him in any way, shape or form. Or attend this event. As I said before, best of luck with the event

If he read a lot on CP, then why did he not heed the rules and NOT make that comment to Doc? If he read a lot, he would be aware of the threads dealing with Pete and his cigars, and know that some here would ask about it. Yet he instantly jumped in with attitude and made no effort to handle it with class.

That's who you are defending, and I fully agree with the ban. A personal attack is totally unwarranted, is childish IMO and has resulted in bans before, and hopefully will result in bas in the future. CP is better than that, as we're not all in the 6th grade. If he's putting this event on (I have no idea if he is the one setting it up, just advertising it, so on...) he better handle things better if he wants it to be a success.

EDIT to add:
I just re-read altercalls post. This really sets ill with me:
Just because someone doesn't live in your city or go to your shop doesn't mean they are not valuable members of a community.
Why would you even say that? that's about the dumbest thing I've read in awhile. So by that logic, there are only 3 valuable members in my mind, since there are only 3 local members of CP? C'Mon! That is asinine. This board is made up of people from all walks of life, in all areas of the world. Being local has NOTHING to do with it. NOTHING.

Nicely said Jimbo!
This is like suddenly hearing that two dear friends are getting divorced. When I read this last night I was stunned. I can’t begin to express my disappointment.

I haven’t spoken with Jim (harpu) about this yet and though I’ve read the quotes, I didn’t see his posts before he deleted them so I’ll limit my comments regarding them to this for now. I wish that he had chosen his words better and he shouldn’t have deleted his posts.

Having said that, Doc, Tim, and Brad, you know that I admire and respect each of you and nothing has changed in that regard but I think you were out of line.

Doc, I’m disappointed that you would suggest to a vendor (no matter how subtle or direct) that he should not host an event with Pete or any other manufacturer or that members should not support a vendor who hosts such an event. Certainly there are members who choose not to patronize Pete but there are many more members who will continue to buy Tatuaje. Jim has chosen (as is his right) to make Pete’s products available to his customers and many of his customers are members of this community.

Any vendor in good standing (and the local members standing up for Jim demonstrates his good standing) should be able to post an event without having the event disparaged.

Tim, you’re post that you’d be sure to not be at the event was equally out of line; it’s not as if you were planning to be in town that day anyway.

Brad, you as a vendor surprise me. To jack another vendor’s event thread to express your opinion of Pete by promoting an Outlaw event is beneath you. You’ve proven yourself to be much better than that.

True enough Jim’s language was out of line, no one would dispute that but he should not have been put in a position to defend his choice to invite Pete Johnson to Tobacco Road.

For the record, though you don’t see it in this thread, Jim is one of the finest people you could ever hope to meet. I don’t say this because I work for him on Saturdays; I work WITH him on Saturdays because it’s true. Hell, my daughter even named her kitten after him.
Mike, where, in this thread, did Doc suggest that another vendor should not hold an event. You and I are not reading the same posts ???

As Jim has already mentioned, this quickly denigrated into bad manners and had nothing, IMO, to do with any herf, based on what I read.

Again, it is admirable that you and gunsandcigars88 are standing up for a friend . I don't know your friend but I do accept your word that he is
stand up guy. However, in this thread, in this context, he is way out of line. He was offered the opportunity to apologize but took the low road instead.

BTW, you can see some of his posts in other's quotes, so it is not hearsay, they are there to see for posterity.

preembargo, I appreciate and respect your thoughtful, factual post.

It's true that anyone can post any cigar event they want. But, if they are free to do that, can't the membership voice an opinion and an approval or disapproval of the event? I've re-read this thread several times, and no one said anything bad about Tobacco Road. They did say they wouldn't attend the Pete Johnson event but that was as far as it went, until the guy from T.R. told Doc to "ES&D" and called folks a "dickwad". It wasn't personal until he made it so.

You know this guy, and I'll admit that I don't. But you have to recognize that his "first impression" to many of us wasn't good. Deleting his posts and PM'ing Rod asking the have the thread deleted didn't help.

To say a store can post an event and we can't voice an opinion seems a bit lopsided, in my opinion. But it is, as they say, only one man's opinion.

Best Regards - B.B.S.
I can see how he would feel his event was being unfairly judged, but as with most things in life, it’s how you deal with the situation that matters most. Telling Doc to ES&D came out of nowhere and things just went downhill from there.
Doc, I’m disappointed that you would suggest to a vendor (no matter how subtle or direct) that he should not host an event with Pete or any other manufacturer or that members should not support a vendor who hosts such an event. Certainly there are members who choose not to patronize Pete but there are many more members who will continue to buy Tatuaje. Jim has chosen (as is his right) to make Pete’s products available to his customers and many of his customers are members of this community

Human perceptions do vary, but that's a wholesale distortion of what occurred.

Tim, you’re post that you’d be sure to not be at the event was equally out of line; it’s not as if you were planning to be in town that day anyway.

Out of line? Really? How's that? Did I flame anyone? Did I disrespect Tobacco Road or Harpu? I merely responded to a thread, is that not allowed here?

While I do respect your opinion. I think it is slightly skewed by your relationship with him.

I find that more often than not someone's "online" personality differs greatly from what you would see face to face. In this case, I believe Mike, and others opinions, that harpu is a great friend and BOTL for many in DFW area.

I doubt comments made to Doc and others are seen or made at Tobacco Road. They did show up here, and the community witnessed it. Now that he is banned, there is no cooling off time to rethink things even if he wanted to apologize.

I'm sorry your friend is not a part of the community anymore. I'm sure that is frustrating. However, I do not think this needed to end how it did.

It's times like these you need to ask yourself: WWWD?
True enough Jim's language was out of line, no one would dispute that but he should not have been put in a position to defend his choice to invite Pete Johnson to Tobacco Road.

Well said. :thumbs:

Actually, I disagree. It's not well said as he admited he did not have all the facts of Harpu's post. While it is good and true that Harpu can invite anyone he wants, I fail to see how Doc simply stating 'I thought we was pissed at Pete' is challanging Harpu. To me it is a simple, honest question. Nothing more... and that resulted in Harpu's tirade of bad attitude which led to the ban.

Are these the posts of someone we want as a community member here...?
Like Confusious (or one of his brothers) once said; 'Perhaps you' should just ES&D and my world will still rotate around good smokes!
If you only knew dickwad, if you only knew!

I think not. Mike, I respect you, love you like a brother, and enjoyed our one quick smoke together. (Well, your quick smoke...) But this was beyong 'out of line'. This was across the line, down the street and around the corner. No one attacked the herf ... and no one attacked Harpu until his attitude showed up. And the attacking was still done by Harpu. I personally will never step foot in TR due to his posting. If I'm in DFW, I'll give you a call and see if we can meet elsewhere.

And yet again, I wish all the best for the herf (as I've said in about every post here)
Doc, when you ask “I thought we was pissed at Pete?” the inference is that vendors / members should be supporting a boycott of Tatuaje. If this was not what you meant to imply, I’m sure that in hind site you can see how others could come to this inference.

The problem is that when a vendor posts an event, that thread, in a sense, becomes an extension of the vendors shop. No matter how well meaning the intent, when you step into the thread and discourage customers from attending the event, or buying a featured product the impact on the manufacturer is truly minimal but it can severely hurt the vendor and his ability to provide for his/her family.

Honestly, I take no issue with anyone who chooses to boycott but if anyone were to come into your B&M and encourage customers to boycott a particular brand, especially a bread and butter brand, you’d expect the staff and management to express their displeasure and defend their right to offer that product in a very strong and decisive way.

Gentlemen, as disappointed as I am that Jim chose to express and defend himself in those particular terms, I am equally disappointed that well meaning brothers chose to express their distaste for Pete Johnson at the expense of other brothers.
The problem is that when a vendor posts an event, that thread, in a sense, becomes an extension of the vendors shop. No matter how well meaning the intent, when you step into the thread and discourage customers from attending the event, or buying a featured product the impact on the manufacturer is truly minimal but it can severely hurt the vendor and his ability to provide for his/her family.
I've read and re-read the posts, and I can't find anywhere anyone said "no one should go". Folks said "I'm not going" but that's as far as that went. No one suggested a complete boycott of Tobacco Road, rather just this event. If any real damage was done, it was the conduct of and the comments made by the vendor that didn't do his reputation a lot of good.

I know you're his friend, and I respect your defense of him. I sure don't respect the way he handled himself.


Edited for spelling....
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