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I am trying to find the positives...

Well, after 8+ years with the company and 5 1/2 in my current position, I lost my job today. Basically, my supervisor decided she didn't want me around any more and just kept at it till she finally "won" But, I received a month of severance pay AND the knowledge that I don't have to work for that *&%#$ any longer!

I can spend more time with my 1 year old son and my wife, who is home recovering from surgery. So that is a plus. I have a few options that I will explore starting in the near future, so wish me luck!

Update -- I received a six page document in the mail on Saturday (five days after they termintated me). Among other things, it states that in order to receive my severance pay, I can't get a job with any other bank or financial institution for two years. Since my only job experience since moving to KC in 1995 is retail for 2 years then banking for almost 12 years -- that doesn't really leave me many options. I have a feeling this is going to get ugly for them!

I have absolutely no law background, but there is no way they can fire you, and then dictate to you were you can and can't work.
I would call a lawyer before you sign those documents, especially if they did not make you sign a non compete agreement when you were hired. I agree with you, this could get ugly for them.
Well, after 8+ years with the company and 5 1/2 in my current position, I lost my job today. Basically, my supervisor decided she didn't want me around any more and just kept at it till she finally "won" But, I received a month of severance pay AND the knowledge that I don't have to work for that *&%#$ any longer!

I can spend more time with my 1 year old son and my wife, who is home recovering from surgery. So that is a plus. I have a few options that I will explore starting in the near future, so wish me luck!

Update -- I received a six page document in the mail on Saturday (five days after they termintated me). Among other things, it states that in order to receive my severance pay, I can't get a job with any other bank or financial institution for two years. Since my only job experience since moving to KC in 1995 is retail for 2 years then banking for almost 12 years -- that doesn't really leave me many options. I have a feeling this is going to get ugly for them!

I have absolutely no law background, but there is no way they can fire you, and then dictate to you were you can and can't work.

Same disclaimer here but I know several people that have challenged these types of dictates and in each case Corporate has backed down becuase the documents and demands aren't enforcible. I would definitely check with a lawyer.
I was fired from a bank several years ago and received severence pay. I had the document reviewed by my attorney before signing. It is relatively inexpensive to have the attorney review and counsel you and worth it.
Back when my wife had her miscarriage and I had to be with her at the hospital (2005), this supervisor sent me an email (her mistake!) telling me that if I was going to continue to put family first, I may need to find a different job. That is just one of MANY mistakes she and others have commited (which I have written documentation in each instance).
Back when my wife had her miscarriage and I had to be with her at the hospital (2005), this supervisor sent me an email (her mistake!) telling me that if I was going to continue to put family first, I may need to find a different job. That is just one of MANY mistakes she and others have commited (which I have written documentation in each instance).

That's total crap. Sound's like you should have left that job long ago. Good Luck with the new job search.
Update -- I received a six page document in the mail on Saturday (five days after they termintated me). Among other things, it states that in order to receive my severance pay, I can't get a job with any other bank or financial institution for two years. Since my only job experience since moving to KC in 1995 is retail for 2 years then banking for almost 12 years -- that doesn't really leave me many options. I have a feeling this is going to get ugly for them!

What type of banking did you do? Wealth Management ? I have seen that type of language in contracts for financial advisors/stock brokers before. I would contact an attorney to review your severance package and your prior employement contract if you had one, someone who has experience in labor law. If your former employer's restriction on prevents you from working for ANY financial institution or bank, it is probably to broad and I don't see how they would be able to convince the court that you cannot work for ANY bank.

I could see them trying to recoup certain costs for training/education/etc but the final payment for these can be negotiated.

Back when my wife had her miscarriage and I had to be with her at the hospital (2005), this supervisor sent me an email (her mistake!) telling me that if I was going to continue to put family first, I may need to find a different job. That is just one of MANY mistakes she and others have commited (which I have written documentation in each instance).
Wow- just wow. Mr. Whopper makes a great point, you should have left years ago with people like that.

Good luck with the search!
Well, after 8+ years with the company and 5 1/2 in my current position, I lost my job today. Basically, my supervisor decided she didn't want me around any more and just kept at it till she finally "won" But, I received a month of severance pay AND the knowledge that I don't have to work for that *&%#$ any longer!

I can spend more time with my 1 year old son and my wife, who is home recovering from surgery. So that is a plus. I have a few options that I will explore starting in the near future, so wish me luck!

Update -- I received a six page document in the mail on Saturday (five days after they termintated me). Among other things, it states that in order to receive my severance pay, I can't get a job with any other bank or financial institution for two years. Since my only job experience since moving to KC in 1995 is retail for 2 years then banking for almost 12 years -- that doesn't really leave me many options. I have a feeling this is going to get ugly for them!

Definitely contact a lawyer Jon and have them review the letter and any other documents relating to your employment. Even if you did sign a non-compete when you were hired, it doesn't necessarily mean they can withhold severance pay or forbid you to work at another financial institution.
Thoughts and Prayers to you and all of those searching for work right now. Good luck and remember- Winter always makes way for the Spring!
Sorry to hear the news! I wish you and your very important family the best!

I hope you find a new and better job soon!
Back when my wife had her miscarriage and I had to be with her at the hospital (2005), this supervisor sent me an email (her mistake!) telling me that if I was going to continue to put family first, I may need to find a different job. That is just one of MANY mistakes she and others have commited (which I have written documentation in each instance).

They sound like assholes.

I talked to a friend of mine who practices law done in MO and he said that non-competes are quite enforceable in MO. He said something as broad as what you are describing is likely unenforceable, though as it is too broad.

This is not to be construed as legal advice in any way and you should see an attorney that specializes in MO employment law. My buddy is in criminal law, so he may not be up on every issue. It's definitely worth the time and likely modest expense. Don't let them railroad you into accepting something that violates your right to make a living.
Back when my wife had her miscarriage and I had to be with her at the hospital (2005), this supervisor sent me an email (her mistake!) telling me that if I was going to continue to put family first, I may need to find a different job. That is just one of MANY mistakes she and others have commited (which I have written documentation in each instance).

They sound like assholes.

I talked to a friend of mine who practices law done in MO and he said that non-competes are quite enforceable in MO. He said something as broad as what you are describing is likely unenforceable, though as it is too broad.

This is not to be construed as legal advice in any way and you should see an attorney that specializes in MO employment law. My buddy is in criminal law, so he may not be up on every issue. It's definitely worth the time and likely modest expense. Don't let them railroad you into accepting something that violates your right to make a living.

Non-competes are generally enforceable in most states, but they have to be signed prior to employment, not after termination. They can't fire you and then tell you to sign a non-compete in order to get a severence package, especially if the severence package was part of your initial contract and did not stipulate any conditions for your receiving it.

Again, I'm not a lawyer but this doesn't sound right. The advice to contact a lawyer is sound.
Guess what? I got to work today and my boss let me go after four plus years. :( I was there before we opened the doors for the first time. The job was sucking the last year anyway. I took a $25,000 pay cut from the previous year. :angry: It sucks, I know. No severance. No nothing accept that if I ever need a letter or job reference, they will give it to me. How ever, to stay positive, My wife has a secure job as a nurse, and I now have time to play Mr. Mom, Visit my mother in CA, And I have enough cigars to take care of me for a little while. :rolleyes: Thank God I stocked up before Christmas hey... LOL Better than COL and complain. I think I will smoke an Opus to celebrate. I don't have to work on Saturdays for tham anymore. F??k em.
Sorry to hear that Andy. I'm sure you'll get much more gratification playing Mr. Mom, then what you were doing before.

Enjoy that time.
It's hard watching the state of the world come down on our own. I hope things get back on track for you guys, and I hope the big O is getting good advice from his advisors on how to help turn this around.
Wow I hate to hear that guys, but I remind you it is all about your perspective. Look at this as a new opportunity, and I know you will be fine.

Jon, from everything I have heard those clauses are not enforceable. I am sure a good attorney can smooth that over. Surely, it would not be worth it for them to pursue something that would not cost them much compared to legal fees. Take care guys!

Bumped to let everyone know that I have a new job starting Tuesday! It seems to be a much better situation that my old job, so I am excited! :thumbs:
Good to heard that you landed on your feet and that it might be for the better