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Start my travels tomoorrow...

Ok so let the story time begin. Gather around a camp fire and smoke a good cigar as this was an interesting experience in European/Russian culture.

So we was to met at 8pm at this train station in bum freak Egypt. We let the University at 6:45pm and 2 different train lines later we arrive at out destination at 7:53pm. Needless to say, the cell phone service in this station was blocked off so no one could talk on their Mobile phones. So we have no idea where the other 5 people are at. We went outside the station and went to this mall not to far from the Metro Station.

All seems to be well as one of the girls from the Netherlands was in the area. Ok, this should go fine right? Well, not in Mr Peats world. It all goes astray like a Scud Missle. :laugh: We finally found the one girl that has a car in the parking lot. Now this is where it gets fun. So we get in the car as she was going to take us to the Restaurant we are going to eat at. Well, she had a 4 month old Beagle Dog with her. The dog is also female so it was so happy to see new people we felt violated by a Russian Dog. :laugh: But the owner is pretty hot so we tolerate it. Well, the other couple that was coming hadn't made it just yet so she took several of us to the Restaurant which was like a 10 min drive so a pretty good distance. So me and Julian was standing out side the place cuz it turns out they are full so we can not eat there.

So while this lady is ferrying everyone to one location, it goes south real fast. We told her that they said we can't eat there so she goes in. Finds out the same story so she comes up with another place to eat. So she takes a few with her and didn't tell anyone where she was going. So I'm standing with the Korean guy named Julian, this German guy named Marco and his girlfriend thats Russian but she speaks German and works for a big company. Now its past 9pm and approaching 10pm. We put out our hands and people will stop to pick you up for a fee. So this girl negotiated a price for us and we all get in. This guy takes us down a good distance and we get out at what she was told to get out at. Turns out it wasn't the correct place and we had to track down another Taxi to get us there.

Finally, we are in front of the place and go in. Its a Eastern European Restaurant and very good. For the 8 of us, it cost like 6800 Roubles aka like $375 US for dinner. But the food and company was great. I was asked by one of the Russian girls what I think of Russia since I'm American. I told her I liked the place and its an interesting culture. I had explained all the countries I've seen but nothing like this. Its just so crazy here with 12 million people in the city and I'm not used to cities like this. So its interesting as I said to her.

Well Marco and his girlfriend had to go as its like 1 1/2 hour train ride back to Northern Moscow where they live. We decided to goto a Discotek Club. Sasha, who is from Bulgaria, negotiated the price of the Taxi and off we go in 2 different cars. Well, the driver of our car forgot where to go so they had to talk on the phone a few times. At one point in the trip, we had to stop and get Petro which was a fun experience. The place we was at, you put in the pump # and then give this machine money. Alas, you can pump the amount in Petro. Crazy but funny as the machine had no person to receive the money. So finally after many phone calls, we get to where we need to be which is in the vicinity of the Red Square area. There was this side street we walked down to a place called КАРМА БАР aka Karma Bar. It cost 300 Roubles to get in so like $15 US.

You get checked by a guy for any weapons and what not. Then you walk down between some building so you can check your coats as its a Discotek. After that, we walk back and entered the club. You could hear the music up the street so it was pretty loud in the club. We finally got a table next to the dance floor and like this platform thing that dancers would dance and sorta like pump up the other people. Its something I had ever seen before. The dancers was all female but one. Two of them was fiery red heads and several dishwater blondes. Something I will never forget. I'm hoping Eric will send us the pictures he took of us there at the Club. I wished I would have taken my camera so that I could get a picture of our two waitresses. The dishwater blonde was named Sasha and she let her best assets out. The other had a short name which started with a A but I couldn't make it out. She had like black hair but nice looking.

Of course they looked nice. They would dance in the area we was at which made for some nice views. Plus, the two girls that was with us was dancing near us which made for some nice views. And all the other Russian girls dancing. Wow...so we was surround by a sea of beauties. Only one guy danced on the platform. It was crazy cuz he had took an American flag and made it into like a dress to cover up the thong he had on. Which was a good thing but he really got everyone to walk him dance for like 10 minutes. Everyone just turned and watched him as he could actually dance. Then the other girls would take turns up on the platform. I think they was up there for like 10 mins at a time before they would change out. Lets just say the Russian girls that danced up there can stretch. :thumbs:

Finally we leave the clud at like 3:30am and get back to the University at 4am. Sasha once again negotiated the price for the taxi and we was on our way back home.

So overall, it was a great experience into the Russian night club scene. Expensive as I started with 4000 Roubles aka like $200 US and ended up having 1500 Roubles left aka like $75. But it was worth the experience of a lifetime like last night. I haven't decided if I want to smoke an Anejo today or a Opus. :laugh:
I wished I would have taken my camera so that I could get a picture of our two waitresses.

Me too buddy, me too.

Heh, it sounded like an absolute blast, but more experiences, and more descriptions please...
I like to live vicariously.

Also, remember, I prefer "Ossetra" caviar, not Beluga.
And nothing smaller than a 2oz tin please, thank you.

Seriously though, take easy man, and don't forget to drop by chat.
Sounds like you're having an experience of a lifetime. If i sound jealous, well i am. Glad you're doing fine Loren. :thumbs:

You should be jealous. :laugh: Not much to update as its just Monday and I have to learn like 50 to 100 new works. Again, my teacher is a fanatic so no free time till this weekend. Who knows what kind of an adventure I will find myself on this time. :laugh: :whistling:
Sounds like you're having an experience of a lifetime. If i sound jealous, well i am. Glad you're doing fine Loren. :thumbs:

You should be jealous. :laugh: Not much to update as its just Monday and I have to learn like 50 to 100 new works. Again, my teacher is a fanatic so no free time till this weekend. Who knows what kind of an adventure I will find myself on this time. :laugh: :whistling:
Good for you! :laugh: :thumbs:
Not much happening here at the moment. Olga, my teacher, stopped by today to inform me she can't teach me today which was fine by me as I was dragging anyways. But I caught onto something yesterday so maybe it was a special time of the month for her. Don't ask...its a long story and not one I will post about. Anyways...it was a nice breather as she has me doing some crazy shit. I know she will drill me tomorrow with not having class today. She said something about making it up next week so maybe classes will be an extra 45 mins long each day. Oh joy...like I need to learn new words. I think she has me at like 600 words or so. My brain always aches after each class. But she is a great teacher so I can't really complain.

We had a interesting conversation about a sentence the other day. Basically it was they tell the book they understand. So I was explaining to her that makes no sense as you don't talk to a book. Well, if you do, you may need a visit to the local pysche ward. Anyways...so she looked the long ass russian word up in the dictionary and it also means tell, relate, and something else I can't remember. I said that makes more sense with relate what they read out of the text. It was a funny conversation as the one day she was saying one word I couldn't make out in English when she was saying River. As she rolls her R's and I can't, it made the word sound odd. So I explained to her how we say it in the USA. It was a funny moment.

Unfortunately its still snowing out and I can't make up my mind if I want to walk to Рамстор or not. Its a crazy ass shopping center with everything in it. Except probably cigars. :laugh: I guess I can't have every thing.
With the day off, I was hoping to do something a little exciting but the weather has put a damper on that. No smoking a cigar in a blizzard for me today. I took out a Opus X Reserva D Chateau yesterday and smoked it during a blizzard. Now thats something I won't forget. The poor alcove I stand in isn't the best spot to prevent weather from hitting you. As its a huge ass alcove and on both sides there is 1951 around this section. It looked to be an old window they sealed in. Its pretty cool considering the university was built by prisoners and it much have been a ton of them as this school is huge.

Well the fact I was told there is no coffee here isn't true. Plenty of bean coffee here but its not exactly cheap. I haven't priced it at the store yet but the internet cafe its the cost of a kidney. But its pretty good and its not something I do every time I'm here on the internet. Well a generic cup of coffee at the school is generally 25 Roubles with sugar. As you pay for everything that is added so milk and sugar puts it around 30 Roubles I believe. I may have to brave the great outdoors and head to the store. I want to see if I can get a small radio so that I can listen to some Moscow stations while I am here.

Peace out for now and will see what kind of crazy adventure I can get into this weekend. :thumbs:
I, too, am enjoying the stories:

"But I caught onto something yesterday so maybe it was a special time of the month for her."

"it was a nice breather as she has me doing some crazy shit"

"I know she will drill me tomorrow.."

Now I'm really looking forward to seeing some pictures! Stay safe, Loren.

Hope she doesn't hurts you while drilling, keep us posted. :laugh: ;)
We demand pictures!!!!!!!!!!!

I bet you do...LOL...Unfortunately I can not upload them even if I wanted too. You will have to sit back and wait patiently till I get home. Until then, you think you know what Models look like, think again. Its a tad distracting watching all the hot women every day. I finally saw my first plump girl today. She probably weighed in around 170lb which is unusual to the 110 lb soaking wet girls all around. I sit back and wonder what happen to the fat ass Midwestern girls. Did they swallow a pig when they was born or just stuffed their face silly. Because its a rare sight to see a chunky girl in Moscow except for the older ladies like 45+.

So yesterdays adventure was surely interesting. After I left the Cafe for the PAMCTOP, I managed to hit the blizzard full frontal. My beard looked like a gigantic snowball. Hell, I could have stood in front of a white wall and you wouldn't have known I was standing there. From the Cafe to the Store, its like a 15 minute walk in good conditions. Needless to say, my poor feet are tired after all the trekking I've done. Anyways...I get there and thats when the blizzard lets up which was nice so that I could get the snow off me and not have a soaking wet beard while in the store.

So the first stop...Media Mart. I decided to check it out as I need a portable radio for some music while I'm n Moscow. Why I waited this long, I have no idea. I wonder around this gigantic place. Holy cow this place makes Best Buy seem small. So I wander around lost with this look of a deer trapped in a set of headlights, I managed to get to the spot I have been searching for the last 10 minutes. Just before the radios, was the Labtops and I decided to check out the prices. Oh I wished I didn't. A decent one runs $3750 US. I figure when you take it out of the box, a hot russian chick jumps out and gives you a blow job for that price. I built my killer system for $1800 but I can't carry it around. But still, the tech items in Moscow you may as well bend over and shove a telephone pull up your ass. So I finally decided on this $20 Sony portable radio that uses AA batteries. Its a decent radio for what I need in the dorm room. I took some pictures of it yesterday as I can get some humor out of it like my Fridge is between the two panes of glass aka window. I will let the shower ceiling speak for itself when you see it. Lets just say its condemnable. :laugh: Like I said...never a dull moment in my life.

I picked up some groceries after my Media Mart adventure. Because that is what my little foray into that store was like. I picked up a 375ml bottle of Vodka and some glasses. Some other goodies. I say a bottle of Johnny Walker Red Label that looked to be nearly 3 feet high. I would have loved to snap a picture of it but I the hot lady guard didn't look to friendly and would have liked the fact I took a picture of it. So I didn't. Oh well...A guy that worked the section started talking to me and I couldn't understand what he was saying. I think I have a good idea but he finally asked if I Говорит По-Русслий. I think that is how its spelled but I can't remember. Like I said, my teacher is pretty crazy with what she has me learning every day.

I looked at him and said a little. He then looked at another gent that wandered in and started talking with him. It was a good escape for me since the prices was a little crazy in my eyes. So I found the section with the Vodka and starting cruising that section. I was in heaven looking at all the different brands. I thought there would be more of a selection but alas, it seemed lacking in my view. After all, I am in Moscow, Russia. :laugh: Now the beer section. Holy shit did they have a wonderful selection. Any beer conniseur would have been proud of the beer they carried. Even tons of Belgium styles on stock. I recognized a lot of the beers they sell at the store.

So I get to the check out and pay by 1025 Roubles in two bags of groceries and started the trek back to the University. It snowed a little on the way back but alas, no blizzard walking home. After I get settled in, I talked to the Chinese guy named Mudi aka pronounced like Moody, and he gave me a shot of some other Vodka which was decent but not as good as the stuff I bought. I took some nice photos of the bottle that I got as its just so damn cool. It will probably either come home full or empty when I head back to the states. Depending on if I find one thats better than it. It costs like 209 Roubles so barely $8.71 US. A very good price. I guess they like the Vodka a little to much. Ok now wait a minute. You can never have enough good Vodka. :laugh:

I ended up smoking a cigar in the blizzard once again. Go figure...the cigar I picked out for today was the Anejo #55 and it smoked really nicely for me as I had it out for like 24 hours. There was a blizzard today for awhile and after classes, I smoked it while the weather cleared up and the Sun finally came out.

But tomorrow or Sunday, I will have another adventure into Moscow as Julian wants to goto the Red Square. Will see what kind of trouble we get into. Depending on the weather of course.
This is the bridge where the guy landed the Cessna. He didn't have time to take off again. LOL!!! From what we were told, he was packed up so fast by police, that hardly anyone even knew it happened. LOL


Better get a hat for those cold days:


Willy Wonka Land aka St. Basil's Cathedral


Have Olga take you to the circus. GREAT time!!



Hey Matt,

The bridge makes more sense where he landed. I've walked across it and I didn't know that was heading South so I got lost today and had to find my way back to the nearest Metro Station which was one hell of a walk. As I didn't want to head back to the Red Square. At least I was smart enough to take a picture of the Metro Map I have and was able to navigate back home. It sure was an adventure today as its really nice out.

I started my day off at around 9am when I decided it was time for Забтракать aka breakfast. I decided to try something different at the Death Camp. I got some fried potatoes like mini-french fries is the best way to describe it. I had her throw some ketchup on the slop so it would be more edible as the food is pretty bland at the Death Camp. They don't even have any Pepper. I mean wtf. You have salt but bring on the pepper for some flavor. Oh well...strange place indeed. Kinda like the Subway in my brother's town. They do not have plain ordinary mustard. Its not american I tell you. :laugh: Ok..I'll get off the rant. I had what appeared to be Orange juice and tasted like it. But still unknown origins. Naturally I had to get the peanut butter cookie to help fill me up. Needless to say, I was still hungry.

So I started my walk at 11:30am. I fired up a AF Cuban Belicos and walked around the campus and took some nice photos around the area that I haven't been too. I then walked to the Library and took some photos of it. As the building is big and pretty cool looking. There is some really nice photo opportunities around the campus. I still haven't seen Peg Leg around for over 2 weeks now. He/she is a pigeon with a severely broken leg. I'm sure it probably died as the trash lady who seems older than the hills, grabs food out of the trash and throws it around for them to eat. So the bird should come back to feed as its easy pickings. She seems like a nice old lady as I've held the door for her so she can pass through. People treat the eldery with respect here. Like if you are on the Metro and a old lady gets on, you better pony up the set for her. Thats just how it works here.

When I finally arrived at the Red Square I went to this Coffee shop for some more to eat. I ordered the Classic Frappe drink and the Apple Strudel. Both are really nice. Costly but nice. Makes the Death Camp food seem like you've been dumpster diving for food. I should get some pictures of this slop. I then headed back to what I know is South and kept on a trekking. I crossed the river and took a photo of the back side of the Kremlin area as the Sun was shining and only partly cloudy. So far no snow today but it looks to be changing. After a pause, I kept on going. Now I have no idea where the hell I am or what direction. I only know I headed like South East after the fact. Which is good to know for a later trek.

I finally found the first sign of the Metro so I crossed the street and the first business on the corner is a McDonalds. Pathetic if you ask me. I leave the country in hopes of not seeing shit food like in the USA in other countries. Since the women here are in fantastic shape, I guess they don't eat to much shitty food. This is where the odd adventure really begins because I have no clue where I am at since I took a photo of the Metro map and the damn thing is in Transliteration so it takes a few to decipher the sign to whats on the photo. Sometimes you will see the transliteration form of the Metro stations as well in Cyrillic which is helpful. So I pull out the trusty ole digital camera and scroll through the pictures for the map. I'm standing in the train station once again looking like a deer caught in a pair of head lights. I finally figured out which direction I needed to go and 2 transfers later, I'm heading back to the University. Overall it was a great experience into another section of Moscow on foot.

Unfortunately, Julian ditched me once again and said in a SMS, lets goto the Red Square tomorrow. I figure he will ditch me again. I still remember him saying I do not want to be around any Asians or Koreans. Yet, he can't help himself and flocks to them like a druggie looking for the next heroine fix. :laugh: Oh well...I don't expect much from him when it comes to site seeing. It would be nice to bullshit on the way and while seeing the places with someone else, but alas, I will just have to do it solo missions. At least I look crazy so pretty much everyone leaves me alone. Except the one dude in the train station. He looked as crazy as I did and was trying to talk to me. I was like Я по-русский so so. Its sometimes nice to feign ignorance so I can make an exit. I know more than I let on. :laugh:

Anyways...I haven't figured out if I want to go out later or just head back to the room. Maybe smoke another cigar as the AF Cuban Belicoso just didn't hit the spot like a good Opus would. Oh yeah...to walk in Russian is Гулять. What to do, what to do for the rest of the day. Maybe drink some Vodka and smoke a Opus. Sounds like a good plan to me after dinner. I did grab a snack sandwich and coffee at Cafe Max as I'm really hungry today.

Well, will put this to an end and see what kind of trouble I get into next. :laugh:
Well this time Julian didn't ditch me. I have to say he has the worst timing ever as there was a mini-blizzard going on outside Sunday. I had pulled out a Anejo #48 for the walk around the Kremlin and Red Square. This was before I looked outside to see how shitty it was. Oh well...I kept the cigar with me in hopes I would get a break.

So we walk to the Metro station and get in the trashed out train/sardine can on tracks and head to the Center. We get out and lucky for us, it got worse. But I gave him shit for missing out on such a perfect day on Saturday. We walked towards the Bridge Matt had perviously posted as the weather just wasn't the prime time to be standing around. I told Julian we will have to come back in April when the weather is really nice out. But I wasn't going to let the bad weather aka пагода I think that is how weather is spelled stop us from at least walking to the final destination of McDonalds. As he has been wanting to eat there once again.

We get there and holy shit is it packed. I mean we waiting in line for 30 mins and the line we was in only managed to serve 6 or 7 people in that time frame. Lets just say they move slower than a turtle in heat. Oh well...it was definitely a nice change from being outside. Warmth and a frosty beard, life couldn't be better. I was smart enough to write down the phrase that I'm allergic to cheese so I got my 1/4 lb with no cheese. I was actually surprised that the sandwich was decent. Now we got the meal super sized but in over on this side of the work the drink super sized is just 20 oz. I've seen that in all the countries I've been in. Its weird but oh well. The price was same as at home so no biggie there. At least the french fries was hot but a tad to much salt on them. But alas, when you are hungry it won't matter to much. Oh yeah for a mental note. This particular McDonalds has a drive thru or I should put it correctly, a Walk thru. Yes, you read that right. You can just walk up on the outside and order. The scamper off. If the weather wasn't so bad I would have taken a picture of it.

Luckily the Metro station is just across the street as the weather has turned to sleet. It wasn't to cold, but the moisture sucked. Again, its still winter here so oh well. Gotta deal with the crazy weather here at this time of year. Made it back to the University Metro station and got on the little yellow trash can on wheels aka a crackhead mini-van. It drops you off right in front of the main building for 10 Roubles. Its actually a great deal as the walk from the Metro station to the main building is probably around 2 miles. After all the walking I've done this weekend, the little breather of the ride was well worth the $0.40'ish cents I spent on it.

So Julian goes up stairs and gets his labtop. So we look at the pictures I took on Saturday and wow, they are pretty damn cool. I wished he had the internet but it would take like 12 hours to upload my pictures I have. Will just have to wait till I get home so that I can upload it to a file in my photobucket. Its going to have many pictures for entertainment. I took the Anejo #48 outside after looking at the pictures and fired that bad boy up. Just for the generous BOTL, Billytpage, I had a wonderful smoke on Sunday. Ahh...what a smile I had smoking that bad boy while it was windy as hell. Makes the so called Windy City aka Chicago seem like a little breeze in the afternoon. I had to move around my favorite smoking alcove to cut down the wind. Alas, the cigar never needed a correction whatsoever. Great smoke!!!

Today started out sluggish. I drank like 2oz of Vodka with my Hydrocodone and muslce relaxer in hopes I would get to sleep faster. Bah...that didn't work out as I just have 120 pills to last me from March 1st to I get home around May 2nd. So I usually take 5mg in the afternoon before class and then 5mg before I head to bed. Damn...a nice song is playing over head but the internet cafe is PACKED. Oh well...I have to head to the Russian Language Center after 3pm. Then I heard a knock at my door. Only one person I know knocks like this and its Olga, my teacher. She was like...I can teach you now if its ok with me. I was like sure. Let me get ready. She heads up and I get ready. Alas, I lost my normal time of study and I was still not that awake during class. So I made plenty of mistakes that I normally don't. Alas, she through some more new words at me.

One exercise deals with the time and we haven't covered it nor numbers. So this was a fun exercise. Alas, I know a few numbers already so it wasn't so bad. I will be busy tonight as I have a ton of studying to do. So for now...take care and have a great week. :thumbs:
Keep the CP journal going Loren, it's like crack, i have to keep coming back for more. Best of luck, looks to me like you're a fast learner. :D
Well this time Julian didn't ditch me. I have to say he has the worst timing ever as there was a mini-blizzard going on outside Sunday. I had pulled out a Anejo #48 for the walk around the Kremlin and Red Square. This was before I looked outside to see how shitty it was. Oh well...I kept the cigar with me in hopes I would get a break.

So we walk to the Metro station and get in the trashed out train/sardine can on tracks and head to the Center. We get out and lucky for us, it got worse. But I gave him shit for missing out on such a perfect day on Saturday. We walked towards the Bridge Matt had perviously posted as the weather just wasn't the prime time to be standing around. I told Julian we will have to come back in April when the weather is really nice out. But I wasn't going to let the bad weather aka пагода I think that is how weather is spelled stop us from at least walking to the final destination of McDonalds. As he has been wanting to eat there once again.

We get there and holy shit is it packed. I mean we waiting in line for 30 mins and the line we was in only managed to serve 6 or 7 people in that time frame. Lets just say they move slower than a turtle in heat. Oh well...it was definitely a nice change from being outside. Warmth and a frosty beard, life couldn't be better. I was smart enough to write down the phrase that I'm allergic to cheese so I got my 1/4 lb with no cheese. I was actually surprised that the sandwich was decent. Now we got the meal super sized but in over on this side of the work the drink super sized is just 20 oz. I've seen that in all the countries I've been in. Its weird but oh well. The price was same as at home so no biggie there. At least the french fries was hot but a tad to much salt on them. But alas, when you are hungry it won't matter to much. Oh yeah for a mental note. This particular McDonalds has a drive thru or I should put it correctly, a Walk thru. Yes, you read that right. You can just walk up on the outside and order. The scamper off. If the weather wasn't so bad I would have taken a picture of it.

Luckily the Metro station is just across the street as the weather has turned to sleet. It wasn't to cold, but the moisture sucked. Again, its still winter here so oh well. Gotta deal with the crazy weather here at this time of year. Made it back to the University Metro station and got on the little yellow trash can on wheels aka a crackhead mini-van. It drops you off right in front of the main building for 10 Roubles. Its actually a great deal as the walk from the Metro station to the main building is probably around 2 miles. After all the walking I've done this weekend, the little breather of the ride was well worth the $0.40'ish cents I spent on it.

So Julian goes up stairs and gets his labtop. So we look at the pictures I took on Saturday and wow, they are pretty damn cool. I wished he had the internet but it would take like 12 hours to upload my pictures I have. Will just have to wait till I get home so that I can upload it to a file in my photobucket. Its going to have many pictures for entertainment. I took the Anejo #48 outside after looking at the pictures and fired that bad boy up. Just for the generous BOTL, Billytpage, I had a wonderful smoke on Sunday. Ahh...what a smile I had smoking that bad boy while it was windy as hell. Makes the so called Windy City aka Chicago seem like a little breeze in the afternoon. I had to move around my favorite smoking alcove to cut down the wind. Alas, the cigar never needed a correction whatsoever. Great smoke!!!

Today started out sluggish. I drank like 2oz of Vodka with my Hydrocodone and muslce relaxer in hopes I would get to sleep faster. Bah...that didn't work out as I just have 120 pills to last me from March 1st to I get home around May 2nd. So I usually take 5mg in the afternoon before class and then 5mg before I head to bed. Damn...a nice song is playing over head but the internet cafe is PACKED. Oh well...I have to head to the Russian Language Center after 3pm. Then I heard a knock at my door. Only one person I know knocks like this and its Olga, my teacher. She was like...I can teach you now if its ok with me. I was like sure. Let me get ready. She heads up and I get ready. Alas, I lost my normal time of study and I was still not that awake during class. So I made plenty of mistakes that I normally don't. Alas, she through some more new words at me.

One exercise deals with the time and we haven't covered it nor numbers. So this was a fun exercise. Alas, I know a few numbers already so it wasn't so bad. I will be busy tonight as I have a ton of studying to do. So for now...take care and have a great week. :thumbs:

To be quite honest with you, I thought your story was going to take a "I'm a freshman at a large Midwestern University and never thought these stories were true until....." turn. :laugh:

Great reads though, I've really enjoyed hearing about all the sights and the peek of another culture you are experiencing.
Loren, it's eight years to the day since our trip. While we didn't have nearly the experiences that you'll have or have had, it was a very memorable trip. Sounds like you're doing well and learning. Best wishes for your remaining time.